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This chapter is less on Kiara and Winger and more on the other characters. Hope you're enjoying the story so far!

Summer POV


I was lying on the grass, watching everyone. Layla was writing in her diary and Dak was trying to juggle with Burple. Cutter was doing tricks in the air and Aggro was trying to seem like she wasn't staring at him. The two were as obvious as Winger and Kiara about liking each other. I hope I find someone like that someday who cares about me more than friendship.

Axel POV

Magnus's workshop

I woke up with the sun as I grabbed my tools and headed outside. On my way, I passed a coil of brown leather and flinched. But I had to keep walking, it was the only way to get through my messy life. Just keep walking. Even when I was never wanted, never needed by anyone. Even when it was my own deep wish to just be loved by someone, anyone.



I tossed the rock in the air as a flash of blue caught my eye. I abandoned the falling pebble as I ran toward him. I could barely hold myself together on what Kiara would say. We all decided that Winger would ask her if she would join but I'm bursting with impatience. "So?" Aggro asked as we gathered around them. "I said yes", Kiara said though there was something different about her voice but still. We have a new member! I wonder if she would let Violet ride her and then we can become closer. I cut off my thoughts there. It was enough that she slept with us for one night, but daydreaming wouldn't about her wouldn't help anyone. But said a voice in the back of my head, it wouldn't harm anyone. No, nope, I have to stop thinking about her all the time. It's what's best for the team.

Burple POV


I can't believe she said yes! It's amazing! Anyway I gobbled up the nearest boulders in celebration as I toddled over to the fish barrels. I started lifting one to bring over when I saw Kiara look downcast. Why was she sad? She just joined the rescue riders! I saw her stare at Winger for a minute. Maybe he did something.

Axel POV


I winced as I heard the blasting of celebration going off at the Roost. Magnus was going to be furious in the morning. I pulled my ragged blanket over me as my stomach growled. I started imagining all the different kinds of food in my Uncle's pantry. The sweet apples and meat piled in the shelves and at the very top, a box of sweets. My mouth watered as I remembered having one then how loud my screams were when Magnus found out. I traced a familiar dragon shaped scar as I tried to make the floor more comfortable as I drifted off to sleep.

Cutter POV

Sleep cave

I was just about to fall asleep when I heard a cry. That woke me up as I walked over to Aggro's nest. She was shaking and turning in her sleep. "Aggro, Agg." I whispered trying not to wake anyone up. I saw her open her eyes sleepily as I could see the fear in them. "Cutter?", she said. "I'm here Aggro, I'm always here." I responded. " I'm scared, please stay", Aggro asked. "It's okay" I whispered soothingly. I started dragging my nest over when Aggro started shivering. Then I did something unbelievably stupid. I got in her nest and wrapped my wings around her. Aggro instantly settled down and right before she went to sleep, Aggro said, "Stay" And of course I said, "always".

Aggro POV

Next Morning, Sleep cave

I woke up with a yawn. I smelled Cutter on my nest. What was he doing? I opened my eyes and found no one in my nest, maybe I just smelled his scent somewhere else. I saw Cutter approaching me with a fish in his jaws. He set it in front of me almost sheepishly. "Here Aggro" was all he said before going back to a fish barrel. I stared in shock. Did this Relentless razorwing like me? And how did I feel about it?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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