Twenty nine - The GOAT and the goat

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Noah Jordan's POV:


I looked at Sarah from my bed. Technically it was our bed. "What?"

"There's a kangaroo outside, staring at me. There's one by the poolside and another one under that tree."

"Oh. Don't stare back. If it's a male, then he might consider it as a challenge."

Her face was glued to the window ever since we arrived in our cottage. "You're lying. He seems harmless."

"Fine," I returned back to what I was doing before—staring into empty space. "Don't come crying to me when he kicks you in the face."

"Whatever." Then after some time, she spoke again. "I think there's a snake in that tree, and that thing is friends with the kangaroo."

"If there's a snake, you should probably inform the local guard here. They'll take care of it."

"No. Wait." To be honest, Sarah was acting like a child who was visiting an amusement park for the first time. At least she was having fun even though she won't admit it. "That kangaroo who was just staring at me hopped to the one under that tree and... oh."

I looked at her again. Her cheeks were turning bright red. "What? What happened?"

"I think that's enough window gazing for today," she then pulled the curtains. "They're having sex under the tree."

I burst out laughing, rolling on the bed. "Maybe that kangaroo was deciding whether to give you a show or not!"

Sarah scowled, but the redness of her cheeks was still intact. "Very funny. At least he has a better sex life than you, Mr. Rusty Dick. Oh, wait. You don't even have one."

I stopped laughing instantly. "Will you let go of that already?"

Sarah knelt on the floor and unzipped her suitcase to take out a fresh set of clothes. "I need to have some leverage on you in case you decide to turn against me for some reason. Besides, I find it funny to see you react like this," she turned around with her clothes in her hand, her expression blank. "Roll over. You're on my side. I don't want to sleep at night with your skin cells on my side of the bedsheet."

Said the woman who literally spent three hours sleeping in my arms. I frowned as I did what she asked me to do so politely. I honestly don't understand when she flips her switch and turns into a mean lady. Everything about her frustrated me and made me upset, but at the same time attracted me. My feelings were mixed about her. One moment I want to slam her head against the wall, let her drop dead and simply walk away with no guilt and a smile on my face, and the other, I want to pin her on the very same wall and show her in every possible way that I am not rusted as she claims I am.

She smiled in a sarcastic way. "Thank you very much for your cooperation. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to the bathroom and take a hot shower."

"Yeah. You should. You reek of vodka and vomit."

"I didn't need to know what I smelled like but okay. I will."

"And cigarettes too. You smell like a butt."

"Excuse me?"

"A cigarette butt, Sarah."

"You are one of the major reasons why my head hurts every time I'm around you."

"Are you sure that's not your hangover?"

"And one of the reasons why I drink. It's very hard to stay sober around you and not get mad the minute you open your big mouth to speak something."

My shoulders shook as I controlled myself from laughing again and I buried my face in a pillow. "Go shower, Sarah."

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