Forty five - Moments in silence

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"Noah! Sarah! There you are. I have been searching for you," Andrea exclaimed as soon as we sneaked back to the reception hall. People were dancing, laughing, and talking with each other. The cake was cut and was being passed around by the waiters.

"Andrea!" I adjusted my dress consciously. I had no underwear inside. It was still ruined and with Noah. He had no plans of giving it back. Ever. So in short, Noah was a panty thief. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you. Come let's take some pictures with the group!"

"Actually," Noah interrupted, wrapping a protective arm around my waist. "I have plans on feeding my date first with some food and taking her dancing. We'll be back."

"What was that about?" I asked as soon as we were out of her hearing reach. "We should have gone with her."

"No photos, remember?"

I smacked my head. "Oh! Yes. I completely forgot, but I hope what you said about food and dancing is true."

"It is. Come let's check out the main course buffet."

Unfortunately, many of the main dishes served for dinner contained nuts. And that included the wedding cake. It had a layer of walnut crumbs in between two layers. Noah was more upset than I was so instead he promised to take me to a sandwich place later. For now, I had to stick with fruits, lots of salad, and two main dishes. I was full after eating but Noah was still sad. His sour mood finally brightened when he saw a chocolate fountain and forced me to take a picture of him with it.

Then he forced me to take a picture of him acting like a God of chocolate.

"Let there be chocolate! Bless thy chocolate."

Is this the same man who stole my panties? The same man who rocked my world barely an hour ago in the men's public washroom down the corridor? Yes. Yes, unfortunately, he was.

Finally, we sat down and I removed my heels, sighing in relief, and wiggled my toes.

"They hurt?" Noah asked.

I shook my head, smiling. "Not really. They're pretty comfortable actually. I just haven't worn them in a while."

"Give me your feet."


"Come on," he patted his thigh. "Feet up."

"As if," I scoffed.

"Fine," his eyes narrowed and he swooped my feet up, landing them on his thighs. "Hmm. Let's see then..."

"Noah!" I gasped in shock and tried to pull them away. "What are you doing?" I hissed and looked around. "People are watching."

He ignored me and pursued his lips. "Interesting. You say your shoes don't hurt but I see skin cuts on your heel. You need urgent treatment."

"So you're a doctor now?" I smiled flirtatiously. "Engineer, army, and a doctor. I think I got the best package. So what's my medicine, doctor?"

"Dancing." My God. This man... "I would recommend not to wear those shoes again. Incinerate them if possible."

"Okay. I better start taking my dancing pills now."

"Yes. I'll show you how."

He took my hand with a gentle yet confident grip, his eyes inviting me to join him on the dance floor. With a smile, I let him lead me away from the table, away from the chatter and laughter of the wedding guests. As we stepped onto the smooth floor, I felt a rush of excitement mingled with a hint of nervousness. But those feelings quickly faded as he pulled me close, his hand resting warmly on the small of my back. The music was soft, the lights dimmed, and I felt weightless in his embrace.

The Summer Dealजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें