Thirty nine - What's the magic word?

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"The Prime Minister?" asked Noah. "As in the Prime Minister who recently won the election for the third time? That man? Here? Yesterday? In this hotel?"

"Believe it or not, mate. He was here! We were all following him to the airport last night because he was supposed to leave for the summit meeting in Brazil. Then he surprised us all when he took a turn and arrived here instead! He barely stayed for thirty minutes and left without meeting anyone. Can you believe it? Someone here had the guts to decide not to show up to meet the Prime Minister!"

Maybe because that guest had no idea and was busy sucking dick last night. I squeezed myself around Noah, burying my face in the crook of his neck, hiding in shame and out of fear. The weather was bad. It was raining heavily and I wanted nothing except the comfort of a hot shower and warm food.

"Noah," my voice was barely a breathless whisper, audible enough only for him to hear. "I'm cold."

His grip on my legs tightened in a protective manner. Warmth flooded my cheeks. "People are crazy sometimes. I better go inside now. Thanks for telling me, man."

In amidst the posh Las Vegas-themed high-end hotel, two individuals entered, one on top of the other, all wet and dirty from the weather outside. People were bound to give us looks. Noah's shoes squeaked with every step he took, leaving behind a trail of water dripping on the expensive carpet floor.

"Get off. It hurts now," Noah groaned, trying to shake me off him.

I shivered and clung to him tighter. The air conditioner here was not helping at all. "I was not the one who told you to jump on puddles with me on your back. Take me to the lift."

"Sarah..." Noah began gravely. "That was not what we agreed on."

"I don't care. To the lift." I murmured.

He shot me a look. "I don't like you."

"Say that again when you kiss me."

Noah surprised me by pecking my lips. "I don't like you."

"Whatever. I'm 100% confident that's not what I heard this morning." I grumbled and kicked his leg. "To the lift."

Noah pressed a button for the lift to arrive when we heard Jack, the hotel's manager calling out my name with Kimberely beside him. Her eyes widened seeing our physical state.

"Dr. Grant! Dr. Grant! There you are. We have been waiting for... ohh..." With one warning look from me, the manager shut himself up.

"Jack," my voice purred in Noah's ears, giving him goosebumps. "It's a mess outside with the reporters. We barely made it inside. That's not a good impression for a classy hotel like yours, is it?"

"Y-Yes... but..."

"I'm having a great time during my stay here. You don't think I would want anything to disrupt it, would you?" Noah gave me another of those looks that clearly demanded answers from me as Jack slowly shook his head. Too bad I was not in the mood to talk tonight. "Then clean up outside, will you? Before someone complains. Someone important."

The metallic doors on the lift opened and Noah carried me inside, finally dropping me to my feet. We pressed our floor buttons, and my hands accidentally on purpose lingered on his for a brief moment before I pulled away and we stood on the opposite corners of the box. The temperature inside was cooler than the one outside in the lobby so I rubbed my arms, water dripping and forming a small pool beneath my feet.

It was natural for my body to poke some interesting things for Noah to see through the wet fabric of my shirt. "Cold?"

I gulped, remembering the last time he asked me the same question when we were in a similar situation last week. Suddenly, everything we did together on the weekend came back as flashbacks. Noah never leaving my side on our journey. Kissing Noah on the beach. Provoking Noah in our room. His body on top of mine, hands everywhere, lips everywhere. That feeling of him between my legs. I licked my lips, reminiscing last night, and smiled slyly, batting my wet lashes. "Yes," I replied. "I'm very cold, Noah."

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