Not my Secret

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Chapter 6:

"You figured part of it out, did you?" I look up to see CeCe on her feet.  I look around to find everyone staring at me.  As the door opens and my friends come in I find myself saying,

"Κόρη. It means... It means..."


"Daughter. It means daughter."  CeCe finishes for me as I was struggling to even breathe.

"I think I need to sit down," I say, getting a little dizzy.  Before I can sit in my chair, Sara, John, and Cliare's eyes light up, signaling that their wolves are in control. Kara, Conn, and Sear come over to me and kneel. Kara tells me, head bowed, "I am sorry we could not tell you.  It was important for you to find out on your own." Without waiting for a response they all gave control back to my friends.

I look at Sara.  She is staring at me.  She does not look confused or unbelieving, just stunned.

I look over to the witches and CeCe draws my attention.  She comes forward and hugs me. "I have been looking forward to this day for a long time." There are tears in her eyes as she hugs me closer and I hug her back.  Her piercing green eyes look at me. Everything about her seems so similar; the hair, the voice, the eyes.  I gasp.  "Sssshhh! They don't know." she practically yells in my ear.

"I understand, but they will soon.  She is transferring to my pack in a month."  She acknowledged what I said with a nod and turned to her friends and sister.

"What is everyone talking about?" I turn to James. He looks serious.

"I have no clue." "Don't know." "No clue." Andy, Jules, and Wen answer. They all turn towards CeCe.

"Not my secret to share." They, annoyed, turned towards me.  Cece nods at me, telling me it is okay. I look at my friends, they just stare. Shellshocked, I decide.

I nod to myself and start to speak.

"A couple of months ago..."

"Short version." James interrupts.  Okay, rude. "...Please" he ends reluctantly when I don't continue.

"Fine. I am the Moon Goddess's daughter."  He looks at me dumbstruck. His friends do as well. 

"And how do you know CeCe?"  He asks.

"I don't really.  I met her for the first time today.  All I know is that I can trust her and the rest I know, isn't my secret to share."  He huffs and turns away.

"I am going to go to my office for a bit.  You are welcome to stay CeCe and if you trust your friends... they can stay too.... I guess.  Also, I have a feeling that no one should know who I am yet, so if you could convince your friends not to share anything, that would be great.  I would ask them myself, but I have the feeling they won't listen."

"You going to be okay?"  I turn towards Sara.  "I just need to think through some things. If they decide to stay, please show them to their rooms." She nods.

I turn towards CeCe, "I hope you stay.  I would like to get to know you and really want to introduce you to someone."With that I walk out the door. 

-Are you mad at me?- I hear my wolf speak

I am not mad.  I understand somehow, but there is more isn't there?


When will I know what that something is?

-On your next birthday.  Until then we must experiment with what we can do and train, because there is war coming.-

My birthday is only 3 months away.

-We will be okay-

How does any of this make sense?  Why does being the daughter of the moon goddess make sense?  I think I am going crazy. 

Sorry it took me so long to post this new chapter.   Summer break started and somehow I have been busier than when I was in school.  Now onto the book...

I know the book is moving kind of fast, but this is my first book I am ever writing and so I am still learning.  I will, when the book is done, go over and edit all of  the chapters to make it all the way around a better story.

I hope even though I am new to writing you are enjoying my story and like the characters I have created.  I know it is a little rough right now, but I hope you are still enjoying it.

Love all of the readers out there reading this.

Please comment and help a girl out with some advice to advance my book.


The Moons WolfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz