The Plan

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Chapter 13:

James walks along the border seeming quite impatient. He glares at the border patrol who watch his every move. I step into the light. "It's okay. Stand down. James was the witch who left before." They already knew that, but they wanted to annoy him a bit. Of course, I am not going to give any hints to that. "James. I didn't think you would be back so soon."

He comes unto my land. "It has already been two months, but whatever. We need to talk. I spoke with the council and they came to a decision about the war."

An hour later

"So my dad is coming here." CeCe says. Aunt May looks at her daughter, her smile appears. That should be interesting.

James finally decides, now that he has caught us up to address the elephant in the room. "So, who is that?" He asks about CeCe's older twin.

"My adoptive mother and CeCe's real mom." I say.

He nods, like it is completely normal. "I will hear that story later. Right now, we need to discuss peace terms." We decide that peace can be a conversation between just James and I. Everyone leaves the room and the discussion begins.

"I am guessing that is the reason Council member Harry was so adamant about peace." He says right when they're gone.

"Ya. About that, you cannot tell him or anyone about who CeCe's mother is. It is not safe yet."

"I know that." He rolls his eyes.

"I was thinking in terms of the treaty. I should gain relation to the royal wolves. The King is pretty secretive and does not show himself often, but since my pack needs to be recognized as a full fledged pack I should be meeting a lower ranking royal anyways."

"How would that work? You are living with old rouges and witches. I am not saying that it is not a good idea, but shouldn't we first create relations with the smaller packs, so we have more of a chance with the whole species." he questions.

"I understand where you are coming from, but I already have a good relationship with the pack next door. They don't know about you guys yet, but since they know this was a newly created pack. Which, by the way, is a very rare thing. I am sure that the royals have already heard about my pack and are waiting to be contacted to create a link with the royal pack through me, the alpha." I explain. "Also, if I don't contact them soon we will be labeled a rogue pack, a threat." He nods.

"Okay then how are you supposed to hide us?" His judgment on my planning clearly shows through his features.

"I am not sure. I was thinking that maybe I could first gain trust, so I could meet the King. Then introduce the idea of a treaty to him. The only problem is hiding your presence." My voice is steady, but somehow I know that he can hear the nervous thoughts in my head.

"I can't think of any other solutions, but I might have an idea on how to hide our presence." His smirk appears.

Devel"ishly handsome. Umm"

"Shut up Artty." I cough to distract from my blush.

"I can manipulate the scenes and Jules is an Aura manipulator. As long as one of us is with the others, we should be fine at hiding."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's let everyone know." I call for a pack meeting.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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