Chapter 10

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William’s POV

I hated myself. I hated myself so fucking much.

Why didn’t I go there to check on her? Why did I trust them? Why didn’t I ask to at least talk to her? Why?


They chained my little girl up. They were keeping her in a cage. There was blood on the floor so they must have hurt her badly. What did they do to her? What did they do to my little girl?

“I should have gone there,” Alexander mumbled. “I should have taken her home with me.”

I looked at him and tightened my jaw. I would never let him take her home. She was my sister. Mine!

But being with Alexander would have been so much better than being with those fuckers. She would have been safe. Alexander and Elijah would never have hurt her.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn't feel my legs. I couldn't feel my body. I couldn't leave the fucking car.

None of us could. I parked in front of the house five minutes ago, but all four of us were just sitting in the car, unable to move and go to her.

I wanted to go to her. I wanted to take her into my arms and tell her that she was safe. I wanted to take her into my arms and tell her that I wouldn't let anyone touch her ever again. I wanted to do all those things, but I was so ashamed. How could I look her in the eyes and tell her all that when I made the biggest mistake of my life when I didn’t fight for her?

I should have fought for her. I should have fought my parents. I should have fought Alexander’s parents. I should have told them to go fuck themselves. I should have taken that little girl. I should have raised her. She should have been my child. My little girl.

But I was 17 when she was born. Alexander was 16. We were two young idiots who kept partying, fucking random girls, and hating each other so much that we couldn't even walk past each other without fighting, punching, and breaking something. What would we do with a newborn?

But I should have done it. I should have taken her. I would have found a way to raise her. I would have given up drinking. I would have given up everything for her. I would have been the best dad to her. I would have fucking done whatever I had to do to raise her.

Why the fuck didn’t I do it?! Why?!

Elijah opened the car door and left without saying a word. Damien followed after him.

Alexander and I remained in the car.

“I am done fighting with you,” Alexander said. “I am putting aside everything bad that’s between us. Don’t get me wrong, I still hate your stupid ass, but I am putting it aside.”

I looked at him and saw him gulp.

“I am doing it for her,” he continued, staring through the passenger side window. “She needs us. She needs our love. She doesn’t need us to fight and hate each other. She needs us to love her.”

I gritted my teeth and tried to take a deep breath. It was hard, though. Something heavy was sitting on my chest.

“I won’t let you take her from me,” Alexander said and looked at me. “She is my sister as much as she is yours. If you try to take her from me, I will make sure that you regret it, William. Every stupid shit we did to each other won’t even compare with what I will do to you if you try to take her from me.”

I clenched my fists and tightened my jaw.

“Otherwise, I am done fighting,” Alexander sighed and looked back through the passenger side window. “I want to make her life better, not worse. She’s been through enough. She doesn’t need her family to make her go through more shit. She needs her family to love and support her.”

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