Chapter 13

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Damien’s POV

I couldn't hold back the sob that escaped me.

It was a mixture of anger and pain.

I felt arms wrapping around me. I didn’t have to look up to know it was my brother. I hugged him back and closed my eyes.

“We will kill them, Damien,” Will said as he tightened his hold on me. “I promise. We will find them and we will kill them.”

His words didn’t comfort me at all. All I could see were the bite marks on her body. All I could think about was him touching her. All I could hear were her screams and cries.

Not even killing them would comfort me now. There was nothing in this world that could comfort me after seeing that.

Holding her in my arms would help. Holding her tightly and telling her that she was safe would help. Kissing her and running my fingers through her hair would help. Holding her and reminding myself that she was safe would help.

I couldn't do that, though. I couldn't hold her.

I simply couldn't.

“Come on, Damien,” Will said after a few moments of silence. “She needs you.”

I took a deep breath and tried to find some strength to endure what would be the hardest thing I ever had to do.

Will squeezed my shoulder and we walked back inside the house.

She was lying on the couch, holding Alexander’s hand tightly. She was looking at him and he was telling her something quietly. He kept caressing her cheek and running his fingers through her hair.

I was jealous of him. I wanted to do those things.

But I…

“Your brother is back, baby,” Alexander said softly as he glanced up at me. “He will start now, okay?”

Sophia nodded, keeping her eyes on Alexander. Something was different about her. Her eyes weren’t completely void of emotions. She looked scared, but there was also an emotion I couldn't recognize. It was only there when she looked at Alexander and it would disappear as soon as her eyes moved from him.

I approached her and kneeled next to her. I grabbed one of the towels so I could cover her breasts.

“I will take your shirt off now, Sophia,” I said, trying to sound calm. “I will place the towel over your breasts, okay?”

She nodded and Alexander lifted her up a bit so I could take her shirt over her head. I placed the towel over her breasts and pulled the shirt up.

The sight made me furious all over again even though I already knew what I was bout to see.

Her skin was completely black and blue. Old scars were scattered all over her chest, belly, and arms. They were burn and knife scars. She had a lot of fresh wounds as well. One of the bite marks was still bleeding a little which meant that it hadn’t been long since he last touched her.

The anger inside me felt too big for my body. It completely blinded me. I saw nothing but his face in front of me. I wanted to disfigure it. I wanted to hear him scream and beg me to stop.

“You are so brave, baby,” Alexander’s soothing voice pulled me out of my vengeful thoughts. “I am so proud of you.”

I hadn’t even realized that I already started carefully cleaning her wounds. I was completely lost in thought.

She flinched a little when I started cleaning one of her cuts. It was a fresh one and judging by the look of it, it was infected.

“Shit,” I mumbled quietly as I grabbed another gauze.

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