Chapter 44

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Alexander’s POV

I was looking at the house, feeling the rage boil inside me.

“The four of them are inside, boss,” Will’s man said. “We can’t see Miss Sophia, though.”

I clenched my fists and narrowed my eyes.

“She is probably being kept in another room,” Will said, his voice laced with anger. “Or in another location.”

“We just need to capture them and make them tell us where she is,” Damien added.

I was hoping that my baby was here, though. I was hoping that I would get to hold her in just a few short minutes.

“Are you sure that none of his men are here?” Eli asked quietly.

“Yes, Sir,” Larry, Will’s man said. “We are assuming that he didn’t want to attract attention to this house. We would have found it sooner if we noticed a lot of men around.”

Well, that was going to be very bad for the fucker.

“Okay,” Will said, taking a deep breath and looking around. “We are going inside. Remember, don’t kill them. We want them alive.”

I was going to do to them exactly what they did to her.

“Is everyone ready?” I asked Rick.

He gave me a small nod and pulled out his gun.

“Kill everyone you see except the four of them,” I ordered. “I want them alive and waiting for me in our warehouse.”

Rick and Larry nodded and motioned for the rest of our men to approach the house. I watched them move slowly and quietly. They surrounded the place in only a few moments. Will, Eli, Damien, Luke, and I pulled out our guns and approached the front door. Will kicked it down with his foot and we barged inside.

“Get down on the ground!”

“Where is she?!”

“What the fuck are you doing here?!”



“Where the fuck is she?!”

Everyone started screaming at the same time.

I kept my eyes on James, wishing I could strangle the fucker just by looking at him.

“Search the house!” Will screamed at our men.

“Where is my child?!” I screamed, walking closer to James. “Where is she?!”

He got down on his knees and smirked at me.

“Does it matter?” he asked. “I broke her completely. You will never put her together again. She is gone.”

My heart stopped beating. Everything around me slowed down. I could only hear my blood rushing through my veins. His smirk was driving me insane. I wanted to rip it off his face. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to put a bullet through his brain right there and then.

“What the fuck are you talking about?!” Will screamed, slamming his fist into the fucker’s face. “Where is she?!”

“Sir!” I heard Rick scream and I turned around, trying to force myself to focus. “We got her!”

I almost passed out on the spot.

“Take them away!” Will screamed at our men as the five of us rushed toward Rick.

He led us to the basement and I wanted to scream at him to run faster. My baby was alone and scared and she needed me.

I saw the saddened and worried faces of my men as we ran past them. All of them looked like they saw something that broke them.

I couldn't fucking take it. What would I see when I would walk in there? How badly was my baby hurt? Was she…

No. She was alive. She had to be alive.

I finally saw the last room in a large hallway. It had a heavy steel door and I could see blood on the floor even from outside. Someone behind me cried out in fear.

“Sophia!” Will screamed, trying to push past me.

I didn’t let him. I was going to be the first one in there. I was going to be the first one to hold her.

I ran inside the room and every part of my body screamed in pain.

My baby was lying on the ground, completely covered in blood. I could see bruises. I could see cuts. I could see burn marks on her.

“Oh, my God,” someone sobbed loudly.

We were all frozen for a few seconds. I moved first.

I threw myself on the ground next to her and pulled her to me as gently as I could.

“Sophia,” I cried out. “Wake up, baby, please.”

I cupped her cheek and leaned in to place a kiss on her forehead. She grunted quietly and I looked down at her face.

“It’s okay, my baby,” I said softly. “You are safe. I am here.”

One of her eyes was swollen shut, but she opened the other one slowly and looked at me. James’ words came back to me and I froze completely. Would she be afraid of me? Did he really break her completely?

Something between a sob and a scream escaped her lips. She lifted her arms and tried to wrap them around me.

“Oh, baby,” I cried out as I helped her and pulled her into my arms. “It’s okay. You are safe. I am here.”

She started shaking and sobbing and I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

“Oh, honey,” Eli cried out as he approached us.

Damien, Luke, and Will were right behind him. They wrapped their arms around us as gently as they could, trying not to hurt her.

“It’s okay,” Damien mumbled as he kissed her temple. “We are here. You are safe.”

“Oh, my cutie,” Luke sobbed, leaning his head on her shoulder.

Eli kept stroking her hair and kissing her cheek. Will had his eyes closed as he kissed the top of her head. I saw a tear fall down his cheek. He was the first one to let go. He stormed out of the room with a murderous look on his face.

“We need to take her to a hospital,” Damien said, looking up at me.

I nodded, tightening my arms around her. Eli, Luke, and Damien let us go so I could walk out of that place. She tried to hold me tighter, but her arms weren’t listening to her.

“It’s okay, my baby,” I mumbled softly. “I won’t let go. No one is taking you from me.”

She pressed herself closer to me and buried her head into my neck. I placed a hand on her head, holding her close.

“I love you, my baby,” I said, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. “I love you so much.”

I didn’t pay attention to anything or anyone else. I was aware of our men running around the house. I was aware of those four fuckers screaming and trying to get away. I ignored it all. I was focused solely on her. She needed me the most right now. She was the only thing that mattered right now.

I got inside the car and Eli closed the door after me. Damien got into the driver’s seat and started the car. Luke sat next to me and Eli sat on the passenger seat. He turned around immediately and rubbed her back gently.

“You will be okay, honey,” he said, his voice quiet and raspy. “We will take care of you.”

I wasn’t sure if she heard him. I was pretty sure that she was asleep.

“What about Will?” Luke asked as Damien started driving away.

“He will meet us there,” Damien said angrily. “He needs to blow off some steam.”

I took a deep breath and looked down at my baby. She was finally in my arms. She was finally safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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