Chapter Five

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"Pearl, I understand you may have certain feelings for Seth, but you must look at all the aspects of this. You are only fifteen and need to focus on your studies." Billy sat in his wheelchair across from the couch where Pearl awkwardly sat.

"I know that dad, I promise I won't make any stupid decisions if that's what you're worried about." Pearl whined.

"Its not the decisions you make that I'm worried about." Billy insisted.

"Oh don't be like that dad, you've known Seth for how long now? He would never do anything that puts me in jeopardy and you know that!" She defended Seth with a passion and would never stop.

"You may not know that boy as well as you think you do Pearl." He said as calmly and dangerously as ever.

"Then maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do." Pearl decided she had had enough and stormed off of the couch and to her room, making sure to slam the door shut behind her.

She jumped face down on her bed, smashed her pillow into her face and let out a long frustrated groan.

"Someone's mad." Her brother's voice interrupted her tantrum. She lifted her head up from her pillow to send Jake one of her deadliest glares, it was mostly his fault after all.

"You're such a pig Jacob." Pearl scoffed as he chewed on his third plate of dinner loudly.

"What? I'm hungry, I think I'm having another growth spurt." He smiled happily as he took another mouth full of mash potato.

"I think you've stollen all of mine." She rolled her eyes and let her head fall back onto her pillow.

"Don't worry, Seth's short too." Instead of a reply, Pearl thought it best to answer with a pillow to the head.

Let's just say there wasn't much talking after that.

After a very aggressive pillow fight, Pearl and Jacob were so worn out they both fell asleep in their clothes.

On the floor.

On top of each other.

Pearl didn't know what time it was when she slowly started to wake, but she could see the full moon through the window so it must've been past midnight.

She presumed it was her brother's ear splitting snoring that awoken her slumber, however, Pearl really woke up when she saw a shadow move past her window.

She sat up straight, not caring how much her back ached from the floor, and stared intently out the window, not sure if it was just her eyes playing tricks on her.

Her suspicions were confirmed when she heard light footsteps and the handle of the back door being moved.

"Jacob." Pearl whispered to her brother who looked dead on the floor.

"Wake up." She started lightly smacking his face and he snorted in response.

"What?" Jacob groaned and rolled over onto his stomach.

"Someone's outside." Pearl tried to urgently whisper.

"What are you-" Jacob's question was answered when he heard the back door slowly creak open.

"Stay here." He instructed and quietly stood up to make his way out the bedroom.

"What're you gonna do, tackle 'em?" Pearl asked incredulously.

"Just stay." She hated the way Jacob treated her like an untrained puppy.

Pearl huffed and crossed her arms, impatiently tapping her foot while listening intently for any signs of Jacob getting tackled.

A very clear sign was given when the bedroom door flung open and her recently new boyfriend fell through the entry.

"Look who I caught sneaking around." Jacob followed him in, sending daggers Seth's way.

"Seth! What the hell are you doing here?" Pearl must admit, she was a little shocked to say the least.

"Well, you said you were gonna call and you never did and I thought maybe something bad happened and –" Seth started ranting in his defense.

"Well as you can see, she's fine. Now leave." Jacob ordered and pointed to the door.

"Now hold on Jake." Pearl put a finger in his face to silence him. "You came all the way here, at midnight, just to make sure I was okay?" She asked, tilting her head slightly as she did, which Seth mentally noted as one of her cute habits.

"I guess?" He was questioning himself, not knowing what was the best thing to say in the certain situation he was in.

"I knew you were the best." Pearl giggled and Seth let out a big sigh of relief. "Come here you." She reached her arms out to him on the floor and pulled him in for a kiss.

Pearl would definitely not get over doing that anytime soon.

"Woah, still here remember?" Jacob made is presence known. Again. "Why are you acting like he didn't just break into our house to watch you like a total creep would?"

"Technically I didn't 'break' in. The door was unlocked." Seth said quietly but stopped when Jacob whipped his head his way.

"Zip it." Jacob snapped. "You need to leave or I'd be happy to let our dad know you've come to visit." He instructed once more.

"He's not going anywhere." Pearl stopped Seth before he could get up.

"What?" Jacob was shocked to see his sister talking back to him despite being younger.

"If I recall, you left the back door open. That's a grounding right there." She subtly threatened.

"So what? He's gonna stay the night?" He asked unimpressed.

"That's exactly what he's gonna do. Seth, get in the bed." Pearl ordered and pointed to her single bed under the window.

"I don't think there's enough room for both of-" Seth started, unsure of what to do.

"Just do it." She seethed through her teeth, not wanting Jacob to get his way. He quickly obeyed and went as close as he could to the wall to give her more room.

"Night Jakey." Pearl taunted her brother as she got in next to Seth.

"I better not hear any funny business from you two." He gave up and got into his own bed on the opposite side of the room.

As Pearl relaxed into the warmth of Seth, she could tell he was still tense as he thought he was making her uncomfortable. "Its okay, I promise." She whispered into his neck, letting him know she's fine with it.

"You're amazing ." He breathed lightly and leaned his head down to rest against Pearl's.

"Anything for you." She moved her hand to his cheek and lightly started kissing his neck as she felt him swallow.

"Pearl- urgh!" Seth grunted as pillow smacked him straight in the face.

"Keep it up and it'll be a fist." Jacob's voice warned them from the dark, which Pearl returned with a light giggle.

Seth also noted how much he loved the sound of her laugh, and he sneaked her one last peck on the forehead before shutting his eyes and enjoying the moment.

"Good night my Pearl." He whispered.

Except this time,

she was meant to hear it.

Pearl Black || Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now