Chapter Twenty Two

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"You missed one hell of a party last night, Pearl." Jared teased as the pack walked into Emily's house.

"Yeah, well I was still on house arrest." Pearl huffed, leaning her cheek on her hand as she sat on the kitchen table, picking up a homemade muffin.

"Even Leah came." Seth cheered with a smile, taking the seat next to her.

"Paul wishes he didn't." Quil chuckled, nudging Paul's shoulder.

"Leave it alone." Paul threatened, putting on his mean face but the rest of the boys just burst into laughter.

"Well, what happened?" Pearl asked, intrigued to hear anything about Paul making a mess of his perfect self.

"Paul was showin' off his muscles, you know, to Racheal and all – " Seth started the story.

"He was so busy staring at his arms, he didn't see where he was going!" Embry continued with a mouthful of muffin.

"Not even he could see the glowing flames behind him," Leah scoffed. "Walked straight into them."

"Alright, that's enough, that's enough." Paul crossed his arms uncomfortably, trying to keep his cool.

"But we haven't even got to the best part!" Jared slapped his knee just thinking about it.

"What happened next?" Pearl asked excitedly, loving the news.

"Let's just say Paul's pants are very flammable." Jacob grinned.

"He had to streak back to the house nude!" Embry pointed a very bold finger at Paul as he started laughing like a hyena, the rest of the pack following along.

"Oh like Jared hasn't done anything like that before." Paul rolled his eyes, trying to take the light away from him.

"Yeah, but he always does!" Pearl joined in the fun. "This is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done!" She leaned on Seth's shoulder for support as all her energy was taken on her laughing.

"Oh leave him alone!" Emily scolded from the kitchen.

"They're just having fun." Sam walked up to Emily and encased her in his arms, giving her a peck on the forehead.

Sam let the taunting go on for a while longer until Emily brought a breakfast, and the subject of Paul was long gone. The only sounds that filled the room was the scraping of plates and munching of pancakes.

"Once you all finish stuffing your faces, we'll roll out for another training session." Sam instructed which brought on a wave of muffled groans.

"I'm too tired." Jared moaned through his food.

"What wrong Jared? Too scared I'll beat 'ya again?" Pearl smirked, pushing his buttons.

"No!" Jared pouted like a child.

"I gave you all the night off, so its your fault if you didn't use it wisely." Sam eyed each of the boys off, disappointed in them.

"Hurry up, we leave in five." He kissed Emily goodbye before walking out of the house to phase.

"We better go." Seth gulped, not liking Sam being angry.

Pearl took his hand and they were the first ones to walk outside and into the woods, meaning they were alone.

"Wait –" Pearl stopped Seth before he could split up from her to phase. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Anything, my Pearl." He smiled smoothly, squeezing her hand tightly.

"What did Sam say to you and Jacob last night?" She asked, hoping that just this once he would be honest with her.

"Its not really my place to say." Seth chewed his lip making Pearl sigh in disappointment.

Pearl Black || Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now