Chapter 7

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"Sangwoo be serious a minute! You were really rude to that girl! I think you should apologise!"
He raises an eyebrow at me giving me a weird look before nodding and standing to his feet, walking over to the girl, bowing his head to her while saying something. I couldn't quite hear what he was saying but whatever it was she seemed to be reacting fine. That's when he holds out his hand and she places her phone in his grasp, he types something and gives it back to her, making her smile.
'Did he?! Did he just give her his number?!?!'
He walks back over and sits down.

"Happy? I apologised"
He sounded somewhat annoyed but at least he apologised.

"Um what did you type into her phone? I saw her give it to you?"
I ask him as I anxiously sip my drink, avoiding his gaze as he just stares at me with a blank expression.

"I gave her my number."

"*cough cough* What!! Why!"
I choke on my drink almost spitting it out at his words, tapping my chest to help the drink go back down.

"You told me to?"

"No I didn't!! I said to apologise!!"
His blank expression turns to a smirk as the corner of his lips lift and his eyes slightly close.

"Y/N are you jealous?~"
He says giving me a wink. I couldn't help but grunt in annoyance.
'Why would he do that'

— —

After that the rest of the date with Sangwoo went really well, we continued to get along super well. I look down at my watch and see that it was already half 5, the cafe was just about to close. Sangwoo and I decide it was time to leave and he offers to walk me home which I kindly accept.

We walk back to my house in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a comfortable silence which I really appreciated. Every now and then I felt his hand brush against mine as we walked side by side. I kept getting flustered thinking he was going to try and hold my hand but he never did. So I just assumed the hands brushing each other was just accidents.

"Well, this is me."
We stop in the street outside my house, he looks behind me taking in the sight of what the outside of my home looked like. Giving me a smile.

"Y/N would you like to come back to my place?"
Sangwoo speaks up. To say I was abit taken aback would be an understatement. This guy just invited me back to his house.

"Um I'm sorry I can't I promised Sam I'd-"

He interrupts me. Giving me a somewhat displeased look.

"Yeah he's my bestfriend. We live together. I told him I'd come home afte-"

He interrupts me once more, before turning to walk away.
"See ya"

"W-Wait! Sangwoo!!"
But he doesn't wait, he continues to walk away down the street, leaving me at the end of my driveway.
'What the fuck was that about???'

I knock on the door for Sam to let me in realising I had forgotten my keys. The door swings open as he drags me inside, he seemed a lot happier now than before.

"So?! How'd it go?"
He asks grabbing my shoulders and shaking me vigorously back and forth.

"S-sAm i CaNt T-TaLk iFf yOU ShAaKe MEe!"
I couldn't help but laugh at the sound of my own voice and I try to speak while being shaken. Sam stops and laughs too. We head to sit down at the table so I can tell him about my date.

I proceed to tell Sam everything. How nice and handsome Sangwoo was, how much we got along. But also about the incident with the girl he snapped at and then gave his number to. Sam had a very confused look on his face. But that expression soon changed to a somewhat smug look after I told him how Sangwoo just left after telling him I lived with another guy. Almost like he was glad it made Sangwoo angry.

"Well you definitely had an eventful day. But Y/N can I be honest?... I don't like him"

"W-What?? You haven't even met him."
I was shocked. How could he judge someone in such a manner so quickly without even meeting him first.

"Y/N c'mon.. he was a dick to a girl, gave said girl his number while on a date with you, then got salty when you wouldn't go back to his place to most likely have sex. He's a fuckboy, a walking red flag."
I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Sam was only taking the negatives of that date. There were so many other factors to it. He ignored all the positive stuff, like that stuff didn't even matter.

"Okay Sam whatever, I'm gonna go get changed.."
I roll my eyes heading upstairs to get into my pjs. I was really upset by what Sam had said to me. Yes Sangwoos behaviour was very weird at times but it was our first date and not everyone is perfect. I have my bad attitude days, as does Sam, so that could've just been one of Sangwoos bad days.

— —

It was the next morning and I was suddenly woken up by the sound of sirens blasting as police cars zoom past the house, making me jump almost falling out of bed. I must've heard at least two more sirens, one of which sounded more like an ambulance.

Sam calls from downstairs, I quickly grab my dressing gown and throw it on, rushing downstairs as quick as I could without tripping. I see Sam standing in front of the Tv, running over to him he had a worried expression plastered across his face. He was watching the LIVE news.
"Wasn't that the cafe you were at yesterday? The police found a body of a woman and apparently that cafe was the last place she was seen with her friends.."

I slowly glance towards the TV and I felt my heart sink as my eyes slam open. The viewers discretion picture, the girl it showed. It was the girl Sangwoo gave his number to.
'She's... she's dead?!'

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