
273 38 359

23 December 1998
Three Days Later


"What the fuck? You want to use me as a honey trap?"

"Miss Ravi, choose your words wisely," my senior Mr. Kant barked at me, giving me a deathly glare.

"I am not into it, I'll not let someone touch my body," I said as calmly as I could.

"Miss Ravi, have a seat," he said pointing toward the seat which was next to him and continued, " Every hour, four girls in India enter into prostitution, and mostly all of them against their will. You already know, they are trafficked within and outside the country for commercial sexual exploitation and forced marriage, especially in those areas where the sex ratio is highly in favour of men. Indian women are mostly trafficked to the Middle East for commercial sexual exploitation. I don't want to say but you were lucky that you somehow escaped from that butcher house. I know you are scared... But we need you, Ravi. You have seen too much in the small tenure of your life," he pointed at the projector and showed me some pictures.

My blood boiled seeing them, "He is dead but the organization is working and we have found that his son is looking after the organization, " he continued.

After watching the next picture, I got up from my chair and shouted, "It's impossible...I killed him."

"But he survived,'' Mr. Kant said.

"His organization is still doing the same work, trafficking women to the Middle East. Their connections have expanded ever since he took charge. You are the only one who can stop it."

I had no words, "How can I...Stop him?" I asked looking at the ground.

"He loved you, maybe you'll make him surrender".

I chuckled and said, "You think he still loves me? I killed his father and I tried to kill him too."

"But he doesn't know that you killed his father."

"He knows, I guess", I said.

"Ravi, he lost his memory. "

"How can you be that sure? Maybe he is lying about his memory loss, " I said

"Well that can be a possibility but we have to take the risk."

"You are playing with fire."

"I know, still I assure you that you would be safe," he said.

I smiled and said, "Please don't give me false hope, every person in this world knows what the life of a spy is like. The moment I get caught you'll be the first to say that you don't know me." I sighed and continued, "I need some time to think about it, can I give you my answer tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded.

I came back to the hotel in which I was staying. I broke down. I had no idea what I should do. How should I feel? I don't know whether I should be happy that he is alive or I should be worried about it. I thought that I could overcome my fear, I could live like a normal person... Maybe God forgot to write anything normal in my life.

After an hour of crying, I mustered all my courage and called Mr. Kant, "I am ready to be the honey trap."

" Great, I believed that you would say yes," he continued, "let's start your training tomorrow."

" Okay," I said and hung up the call.

I am still not sure but I want to take the risk. I am scared to face him, I am aware that he is a bad guy but still my stupid heart; it wants to meet him badly. I wish I had never met you but the deeds are already done. Now I want to get over you.

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