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CHAPTER 1̶̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶

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Senior year. The year where everything and anything counts. From countless volunteering hours, late nights studying, and joining a handful of after-school activities so that colleges can notice you. It may be a pain in the ass but it's the only way to get into an Ivy League let alone just a regular college.

"So Evelyn are you excited for the first day of senior year?" my mom gushes happily.

"Ehhh I'm just happy I won't have to be around so many obnoxious people for much longer," I laugh jokingly.

"Ha Ha I've raised such a hilarious kid," my mom says sarcastically and sits on my bed.

"I am my mother's daughter," I chime.

I've always envied my mom OF COURSE NOT IN A BAD WAY more like in a 'Why didn't I get your genes way?' She has gorgeous blue eyes and beautiful brown hair, we don't look anything alike but on top of that, she also looks so young despite being 45 people would mistake us as sisters. Unfortunately, I'm an exact copy of my dad, with blonde hair and plain brown eyes.

"What's on your mind hun you look constipated or something," she laughs.

"Nothing just the fact that I'm gonna be late if I don't finish getting ready," I sigh.

"Right well Im gonna finish making breakfast for you and your brother when you're finished here come down and eat," she gets up and kisses me on the forehead before leaving my room.


"Mom why can't I just miss the first day of school it's only 7th grade what's the big deal," my brother Ethan whines.

"The big deal is that I don't want you missing the first day just because you think it's not important," she retorts.

I grab a plate from the cabinet and fill it with pancakes and bacon then sit down with Ethan at the table.

"Ethan trust me 7th grade isn't too bad it's pretty easy," I shrug grabbing the honey and pouring it over my pancakes.

"Easy for you to say nerd, you've raised the bar too high in this family," he grumbles.

"I'm just saying put in a little effort and it wouldn't be so bad."

"Yea whatever, hand me the honey please," he sighs.

I hand it over to him and Mom walks over to the table setting down two waters in front of us.

"Ethan go put some pants on for the love of God all summer you've been doing this," Mom says giving him a stern look.

My brother groans and reluctantly goes upstairs to change.

"Do you think he will ever grow out of that habit?" my mom asks.

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