🦋𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝑦𝑎𝑙𝑒🦋

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Soon after the guests had settled in the conductor who was situated on the topmost balcony with his orchestra began waving his baton to first direct the ensemble of musicians such as the strings, brass and lastly the woodwind to steady them so that they may play their pieces on the violins, violas, violoncellos, double basses, flutes, oboes and clarinets. Their harmonical additions started to further improve the ambience of the royal ball. The usher reached the top of the main flight of stairs and initiated the announcing of all the king's noble guests. "Princess Mei Mei of Fujian!...Princess Shahzad of the Seljuqs!...Princess Chelina of Zaragosa!...Princess Imani of Shona!...Princess Hiina of the Chrysanthemum Throne!...The Lord Veneering!..." the usher projected to the king's court, and many more names followed one after the other, "Princess Frederica Eugenie de la Fontain! Mademoiselle Augustina DuBois, daughter of General Pierre DuBois! Mademoiselle Leonora Mercedes de la Tour, daughter of Colonel and Madame de la Tour!"...

The townspeople kneelingly admired the prince from afar at the ball, as Kit stood alongside his father they were constantly shouting and waving to his highness from across the room, as they did so the king always turned to look at his son then shortly after this they'd both let out short laughs with a kind smile and continue about the event. As one could vaguely expect, Lady Tremaine hadn't come unprepared as she too had a name card on hand for the usher to announce out aloud, nobody else had done this besides the nobility for obvious reasons but regardless she had made sure to not forget. As she walked past the man, she handed the usher her card and whispered the title out to him softly, he then repeated after her words "The Lady Tremaine and her daughters!..." she then did a proud curtsy while Anastasia and Drizella were whispering their own titles that they desired to be called out by the usher, and so he then adds on, "The very clever Miss Drizella! And the very beautiful, Anastasia!..." they enjoy their moment being presented to both their Royal Highness the prince and king before their mother told them to make their way down the stairs with her. After this, the usher continued as before and proceeded to announce the rest of the king's guests.

The king noticed that his son was quite unfocused this evening, so he asked him who he was looking for as eyes had not stopped staring at the ballroom doors regardless of who had entered them, Kit assured him that it was, in fact, no one. But his father knew that his dear son was waiting for the mysterious girl that he had met from the forest, as Kit reacted by smiling his father asked if that was why he was so generous with the invitations, and just how he had responded to the captain previously when he had asked him the same question, he repeated the very same answer once more and conveyed that it was truly for the benefit of the people. "I know you love the people, but I also know that your head's been turned by a girl...but you've only met her once...in the forest," the king said with a smile on his face, Kit replied saying that his father would have him marry someone he only met once on this night. "A princess...it's a princess or nothing..." The king told his son firmly in a very subtly voice. Shortly after this Kit directed his focus to the doors again, and continued to wait patiently so that he may see her as soon as she enters the room.

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