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Chapter 50

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Marcus doesn't ask for my help for the next two weeks. If I wasn't panicking about my upcoming mission, I would feel more deflated.

Work passes with hardly any issues. The looks and gossip fade and Serena leaves me alone now she thinks I'm not a threat.

Mr Salt comes into the restaurant a couple of times, without security thankfully. I flirt and work him as usual, but his dinners have been more about pleasure than business so there's been nothing new to note.

I am grateful for this moment of calm. I am also especially grateful I'm about to spend my weekend off in the middle of nowhere firing massive guns.

Today is going to go slow, I know it. I leave tonight. My bags are packed and I'm so ready to just let out all my frustration on the ranges.

"Eight hours, that's all you have left to do," I say to myself as I leave my flat.

The sounds of the screeching trains on the underground don't ease my sour mood. I sigh with frustration and step onto the hot and sticky train, squeezing in between other passengers.

I certainly won't miss this when I go back home.

Thinking about home makes my chest ache and a deep tiredness settles over my body. I shut my eyes and let out a long breath. Mother's face pops into my mind and I almost start crying.

I want to go home so badly.

The train screeches to a halt and I get off. As usual, I shove my way through the crowds and pray that I haven't been pickpocketed.

When I get out on the street, my mind goes blank as I walk to the MOD building, practically running on autopilot. By the time I'm at my desk, I feel completely deflated and empty. I rub my aching eyes and yawn.

"You okay Ivy?" Mia asks.

"Yeah, just one of those days, you know," I reply.

"You mean every day?" she asks, laughing.

"Pretty much," I reply.

"Eight more hours and then the weekend. You have anything planned?"

"Yeah, I'm going away camping. I need to get out of the city and away from people."

"Are we that bad?" she asks.

"Do I need to answer that?" I reply. She laughs and nods her head.

"Fair enough," she says, then pats my shoulder and leaves to go to her desk. I load up my computer and get to work. As I focus, time passes quicker, thankfully. Before I know it, it's lunchtime.

Mia, Leo and I head to the cafeteria and eat in there, wanting to get out of the office space for half an hour. The chat is light. We don't talk about anything meaningful. Most of what we talk about is just shit to fill the silence and take our minds off of work.

"Bring on the end of the day," Leo moans as we return to the office. My eyes fall on Serena and her little gang, standing and giggling in the corner of the room.

My rage toward them has somewhat dissipated. The urge to slap Serena still curses through me every time she's near me, but it is more manageable now. I just have to keep reminding myself not to stoop to her level.

"Let's get this over and done with," I say. They nod their heads in agreement and we separate to return to our desks. I get back on with my assignment – which is close to completion.

I don't bother lifting my head as the door opens. In fact, I barely notice that familiar hush that takes over the room when a certain someone opens. It only clicks when there is a shadow standing over me.

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