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Chapter 69

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Alethia arrives in the morning to escort Kiora back to her room. As soon as she lays eyes on Kiora, Alethia shoots her a cold stare. Then again, when isn't the up-tight woman not looking stern and miserable?

"Good morning, dear sister," Athan says, walking behind Kiora.

"Well, you certainly seem to be in a fine mood this morning," Alethia says, forcing on a tight smile.

The emperor chuckles and kisses the top of Kiora's head.

"We had a marvellous night," he says.

Kiora smiles shyly and Alethia narrows her eyes.

"So, Lady Kiora has finally performed her duty?" Alethia asks.

Athan rolls his eyes. "Why are you so obsessed with mine and Kiora's intimate relationship, Alethia?"

"Trust me, Athan, I would rather be interested in anything else. But as the guardian of your wives, it is my responsibility to make sure that they are fulfilling their wifely duties. Their behaviour reflects on me and my leadership. I take a lot of pride in teaching them to be the perfect and proper women you and this empire deserve."

"Well, you have nothing to worry about with Kiora. She is a fine woman and whether we are or aren't having sex, that does not change. So, dear sister, I strongly suggest you drop the subject about mine and Kiora's sex life and allow us to navigate our relationship in a way we are both happy and comfortable with."

Kiora bites back a smile, her stomach warming. It may only be a subtle dig at his sister, but it's something. He is defending her.

Alethia's smile tightens and she curtseys.

"As you wish, Emperor."

"Thank you." Athan turns to Kiora, smiling fondly. "And thank you, for a truly enlightening evening," he says, and winks.

Kiora bites at her lip as she smiles. Athan lifts her hand, gently kissing it.

"I shall see you tonight."

"Twice in a row, Emperor?" Alethia gasps. "I strongly advise you call on one of your other wives. You do not want to-"

Athan sighs loudly, interrupting her. Then, he turns to face her. Alethia gulps and cowers.

"I know you don't like Kiora, Alethia, but I do. Stop meddling and let me see who I want to see. Yes, you are the guardian of my harem and I appreciate all the work you do. But stop trying to manipulate my relationships with my wives. You are overstepping."

Her jaw clenches and she bows her head.

"I apologise."

"Don't make me tell you again."

Kiora almost wants to jump up and down with joy as Athan puts Alethia in her place, but she doesn't. Instead, she keeps her composure calm. She turns to Athan.

"I'm sure you have a busy day today. I will leave you in peace."

He smiles softly and nods his head. "I shall see you for dinner."

He looks up at Alethia. "It has been too long since I dinned with my harem. See to it that a feast is arranged."

Alethia and Kiora raise their brows in surprise.

"Yes, Emperor," Alethia says breathlessly.

"Now, I really must be getting ready. I'll see you both tonight."

"Goodbye," Kiora says and then smiles at him again. The emperor smiles back, then, Kiora turns, and follows Alethia out of the room.

They walk through the corridors in silence. With every thump of Alethia's cane on the stone floor, Kiora flinches. She can feel the enraged heat oozing off of Alethia. Kiora's stomach starts to flutter with nerves the closer they get to the privacy of her room.

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