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Chapter 70

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Could this week get any fucking worse?

Already this week, Mr Salt and Creepy Clarkie, as I like to call him, have come into the restaurant two more times. So, I've had to put up with all of Mr Salt's disgusting, perverted behaviour and sickening flirting for nothing, as I can't risk being caught listening in again and there is no chance I'd be able to a listening device down. Not to mention I can feel Clarkie's eyes on me the whole time. His stare makes my skin feel like it's melting.

As if that wasn't enough, I am now staring into my empty locker. This morning had been the first of the physical tests for the job with Marcus – which went off without a hitch, thankfully. It was easy enough, running exercises, push-ups, pull-ups, all the usual. This afternoon, there is the first round of interviews.

I look down at my watch.

They start in an hour.

I look back at my locker, which is empty of all my clothes, my towel, and my shower gels, despite the fact that my keycard for the locker didn't leave my person the whole time.

Tears sting my eyes and panic begins to set in, making my stomach wobble and flutter. I'm wearing my leggings, a sports bra, and a vest. Hardly interview attire. Not to mention the sweat that makes my hair stick to my forehead.

"Fuck fuck fuck," I mutter, my voice trembling.

I hear Serena laughing behind me. I know she did this. I've got to give her props, she pulled it off immaculately. I have no idea how she did it. Then again, she has money and power at her disposal. Is it really such a far stretch to conclude that her daddy hired someone to break into my locker and take my clothes? Anything for his perfect little girl, right?

Anger surges through me, making my veins pulse with heat. My hands grip the door so tightly that my knuckles go white and my fingers ache. I won't let go though. It is the only thing stopping me from slamming it shut, walking over to Serena, and pummelling her until she tells me what she did with my stuff.

"What's wrong, Ivy?" she asks behind me, "why aren't you getting changed? The interviews start in an hour. You wouldn't want to be late, or worse, miss it would you?"

I close my eyes and let out a long breath. I grind my teeth together as I hold back my impending explosion of curse words.

She and her friends giggle behind me. The sound makes me cringe and adrenaline flutters through me as my panic and anger continue to build.

"I'm fine," I say through gritted teeth, and then slam the door shut and storm out of the room before I break Serena's face.

"Please still be there, please still be there," I mutter under my breath as I walk back into the sports hall.

I hadn't even realised that the MOD building had one, but then again, with how high-end and state-of-the-art it is, it's hardly surprising they'd have a fancy training area hidden somewhere in the giant underground base. Considering the fact that many different departments, including field agents, work out of here, it makes sense that there would be a place where they could train.

Marcus stands near the doors, talking to two other people, a male and a female. All three of them wear pristine, perfectly fitted suits. Marcus' eyes find mine as soon as I walk in. The other two also look up. I smile awkwardly at them.

Fuck, this is so embarrassing.

The woman works closely with Marcus. I don't know what she does, but she is very high up in his department. The man works in recruiting, but not for the average job. He works alongside The Commander himself, making sure they hire the most appropriate people.

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