Chapter 4

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The next day comes quicker than expected. I complete my classes with exhaustion falling upon me immediately after. I grab my bag and head out of the class; on my way to my room. I just can't get my mind off of tonight. What's going to happen? I hope Connor forgives me. I still feel extremely bad. And I'm not very good at making friends.

I remember when I was just 6 years old I tried to befriend a kid at school. What a wreck. I had only said, "Hi, I'm Kaitlin! Want to be friends?" And he stared at me with his big blue eyes and started yelling,"EW THIS STUPID GIRL IS GOING TO GIVE ME COOTIES!" The entire class just stared at me like I was the one who had done something wrong. Nobody talked to me after that. Nobody looked at me after that. I didn't make a friend until 5th grade. That was Brianna. She might be a little obnoxious at times, but she's the only real friend I've ever had.

I know its my fault, but I feel like there's nothing I can do about it. Its almost an instinct to push people away. I guess that makes me and Connor similar in a way.

I finally reach my room and see Brianna is already inside.

"What are you doing here so soon?" She looks at me and starts laughing.

"Alright, I ditched. You caught me," she says, "I just didn't feel the urge to go to class today." I stare at her in disbelief. This was our first class and she's already ditching? I decide not to get worked up over it and I start some of my homework.

Incredibly enough, I finish my homework in less than an hour. I check the clock on the wall to see that it's only 4:00. I decide to grab my phone and text Connor again.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey!" He says a few minutes later.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to dinner a little earlier."

"Sure, is 5:30 okay?" He says.

"Yeah, Perfect," I say. It's still pretty early, but I decide to start getting ready anyway. I put on a knee-length blue flowy dress, a pair of heels and some makeup. After I finish, I go back out into our room. Brianna looks up from a magazine and smiles at me,"You look great. I'm sure Connor will love it," she smirks.

"Thanks. Shouldn't you be getting ready? Dinner is at 5:30."

She stares at me wide-eyed. And I realize that I completely forgot to tell her that the dinner plans have been changed.

"What?!" She says.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I talked to Connor and dinner is at 5:3--"

"Oh my god! How did you forget?" She hops up and runs past me towards the bathroom. I don't understand what is was getting so worked up over. It's only 4:30. Maybe she's the one with the crush on Connor.

She comes out about a half-hour later. Looking flawless, as usual. Although, her super short pink dress was probably unnecessary.

"See! You got ready in time! And you look beautiful. Let's go, I want to be early," I say. She laughs sarcastically and we head towards the door.

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