Chapter 7

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Class eventually ends and 8 o'clock is inching closer. Its already about 7:30 so I go put on a red dress and a pair of heels. After I'm completely ready I head out the door without Brianna even saying a word, surprisingly. I get into the drivers seat of Brianna's car and over to the restaurant.

I step inside and a woman leads me over to where Tyler is sitting. He looks up from his phone and gets up to greet me.

"You look stunning tonight," he says.

I thank him, but am still too nervous to compliment him back, although he does look great. He puts his phone in his pocket and pulls out a chair for me. I brush my hair behind my ear and sit down.

"So, how's your day been?" he says as he sits down.

"Boring," I say. I can tell that he's probably looking for more of an explanation so I continue, "All I did today was take care of a drunken friend and go to my classes."

"Your friend. Tell me about her," he says. That's odd. Why should he care?

"Brianna is my best friend. We've known each other for years and she's the only friend I've ever really had."

"So, do you think you could've had a better friend?" he says. I glare at him,

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry. Its just that she doesn't sound like a very good friend. And I'm sure I could find you a better one."

This annoys me. A lot. Its none of his business! He could find me a better friend?

I just let it go, because I don't feel like starting an argument about this.

"Yeah," I say, "I guess you're right."

He gives me a concerned look, and changes the subject,

"So what are you in college for?"

"I'm studying to become a doctor," I say proudly. He raises an eyebrow,

"You? A doctor?" He smiles.

I can't help but smile back. This conversation is boring, so what else am I supposed to do?

"You into any good movies?" I say.

He looks up as if in thought and finally says,

"I have to admit, I love chick-flicks."

We both start laughing.

"And what do you like?" He says.

"I love comedies," I say. He smiles and says,

"We should go see a movie someti--"

My phone rings, cutting him off abruptly. I look down to see that its Brianna.

"Sorry, I should probably take this," I say. He runs his hand through his silky brown hair,

"Alright, but make it fast," he jokes.

I head outside of the restaurant to take the call and finally answer it.

"Brianna! What do you want? I'm busy!" I say.

"Just wanted to make sure you haven't been killed," she says.

"Well I haven't!" I say, getting more annoyed by the second.

"I hope your having fun," She says in her usual perky tone.

"I am. I have to go, he's waiting," I say, and I hang up without hesitation. I swiftly re-enter the restaurant and head over to the table. Tyler is gone. I turn my head to both sides of me, without any luck. He stood me up. He left me here alone. Im about to turn around and leave until something on the table catches my eye. I walk over to see a note on the table where he sat. I pick it up:


This night has been fun, but I just don't think it's going to work out. It seems you have more important things to be doing than seeing guys like me anyway. I hope school goes well.



My eyes start to water. I know I didn't have any real feelings for him, but it still sucks to be left here like this. I shove my way out of the building and head over to Brianna's car. I get inside, slam the door and head back to the campus. I run over to the door and head inside. As I turn around, I become face-to-face with my biggest fear. The lifeless body of Brianna hangs halfway over the bed and blood is trickling down her face; each drop forming a large puddle on the ground. Standing over her is an unrecognizable man. He notices me and looks up. I reach my hand out for the doorknob, but struggle to find its place. The man stands up and step by step approaches me. He stops halfway and the moonlight illuminates the side of the man's face. Its Tyler.

"I'm sorry you had to see this. I didn't expect you to be home until later," He says slyly. He lifts his hand and wipes the splattered blood off of the side of his face. I look around for an escape, only to see the bathroom just a few feet away. I inch closer as he continues talking, and bolt for the bathroom. He runs after me, but I slam the door in his face. My heart is pounding as I reach into my back pocket. I pull out my phone and call 9-1-1.

"Don't think you can stay in there forever!" Tyler yells.

I squirm myself into a corner where I fall to my knees and sob. The police station isn't answering. This is hopeless. I'm going to die.

"Hello?" A woman says. I hopefully answer the phone,

"Hello, I need your help please. I don't know what to do. A man broke into my dorm and he's already killed my friend. I'm hiding in the bathroom and....I'm scared...send someone! Please! I don't know what to do," I say between sobs.

"Please calm yourself. We've already tracked the location of your call and we have men on the way now. Does the man have any chance of getting into the bathroom?" She says.

Im barely audible as I whisper,

"I don't know. I hope not, but he has a knife," I manage to whimper out.

"Stay where you are. Don't move. Men are less than a minute from your location."

I burst into tears, but I don't know why. I can't tell if I'm relieved that they're almost here, or still scared for my life. I'm guessing a mixture of both.

"GET OUT OF THERE! NOW!" screams Tyler.

I nestle my head into my knees and cry. I can't hold anything in any longer.

From inside the bathroom I can hear furious pounds at the door.

"Police. Open up," they say.

I hear Tyler swear under his breath. I hear loud banging and crashing, and men yelling. And then comes the silence. Did he get away? I hear a knock at the door.

"Ma'am are you in there?" A man says. I pull myself up off the ground and crack open the door. I see a man in a police uniform.

"Don't worry. We got him. He's being taken to jail as we speak."

I burst open the door and hug the man,

"Thank you," I cry. He hugs me for a minutes and says,

"I'm so sorry for your loss."

Behind him I see a team of men wheeling out Brianna's stone-solid, lifeless body. Tears begin to flow down my cheeks.

"Now, I'm going to need you to describe to me, everything that happened," says the officer. I look up at him and tell him everything. How Tyler and I met. How the day went on from there. How I saw him as I entered my room. And with each sentence, I can feel myself die a little more inside.

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