Chapter 15

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The tropic sun beams down on me, producing a slight dampness on my forehead. My sleeve dabs at the newly formed sweat, and I stare down at the ground. I've been working for almost 3 hours and have hardly made a dent in the hard Earth. I can feel dehydration slowly creeping upon me. Usually I can go a while without water, but not in this heat. I feel like i could pass out at any second. The thought snaps me back into the reality of the situation.

The shovel pounds down into the soil and I toss it to the side. I should probably be quickening my pace, but what's the rush? If I'm going to die, I'm going to die. There's not much I can do to stop it. Fighting back is useless. I have a shovel, and Tyler has a gun. Who knows what other weapons he's brought with him. For all I know, he could have a plane full of machine guns just a mile away from here. What good would that do me?

Connor is probably my last hope now. The only problem with that is how prepared he is to go up against a full-time criminal. If he can't help me soon, nobody can. But how is he supposed to get here with my phone being broken? He was going to track my phone to find my location, but its been smashed into pieces. I can only hope now that he has already found my location, and is on his way to the island. Without him there's not much I can do to save myself.

He has to be bringing back-up. He has to. It will be much easier to get Tyler if they have more men.

"What are you doing?" Tyler bursts through the door, interrupting my thoughts.

I realize that ive sat on the ground, head between my knees, without even noticing it.

"Why did you stop?" He inquisites again, "You're just looking for trouble, aren't you?"

I withdraw my glance from him and stare at the ground. He walks over and strikes the side of my head with his hand.

"Answer me, dammit," he screams.

I whimper, "I-I'm sorry. I didnt even--I didn't notice I had stopped."

He shakes his head and pulls his gun, pointing it straight at my chest, "You know I could just do it. Right here, right now." His eyes fixate on me, "Is that what you want?"

I shake my head.

He huffs, and his gun lowers. Shaking his head again, he frowns, "Get back to work."

He turns around and walks back inside. My hands fumble to get a grip on the shovel, and I start digging again. Suddenly I hear a loud thud from inside the house. I survey the door, wondering what could've possibly happened. I hear footsteps quickly approaching the door. Tyler must be angry about something. I start digging faster, scared of some unimaginable punishment to come.

The door bursts open, proving me wrong. Connor begins running towards me.

I reach my arms out for a hug but he dodges my arms, kissing me,

"Oh my god are you hurt?"

I'm taken aback by his kiss but I manage to reply,

"I'm fine. I just need to get off of this island."

"That's what I'm here for," he assures me.

"Come on. We need to go," he helps me up and takes my hand. We run through the door and I see Tyler lying unconscious on the floor.

"How did you manage to--"

"I'll explain later." He says.

We run out the front door and I see large helicopter just a few yards from the house. Connor rushes me to the helicopter and opens the door,

"Get inside. I'll get the other men, and we'll go."

I nod and he kisses me once more on the cheek. Thank god he's brought other men. But it seemed like he was able to deal with Tyler just fine one his own. He walks around to the front of the helicopter to grab something and I strap myself into the seat.

Without warning, I see a man approach the doorway behind Connor. But its too late, I scream to Connor just as the bullet passes through his chest.

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