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After Amelia's frantic search for her phone, I suggested that she join the yoga class and spend some time with the others, hoping it would help take her mind off things. 

She agreed, and as she headed off, I found myself alone in the room, the weight of the situation still lingering. Realizing the need to find some solace and relaxation,

I decided to explore the building, allowing my footsteps to guide me through its corridors. It wasn't long before my attention was drawn to a sign that beckoned with the promise of tranquility: "Hot Tub."

The mere thought of sinking into its warm embrace filled me with a longing for respite. Without hesitation, I entered the area, discovering that the space was empty, granting me the privacy I desired. 

After confirming that I was in the women's section, I slowly immersed myself in the soothing water, feeling its gentle caress against my skin.

I really needed this, first time in this whole retreat I feel relaxed

As the hot water enveloped me, my worries seemed to melt away, dissipating with each passing moment. In this blissful haven, I allowed myself to unwind, temporarily escaping the clutches of the tumultuous reality that surrounded me.

As I savored the peacefulness, a thought struck me—a realization that Amelia never seemed to misplace her phone.

I mean keys, purse, and maybe her mind. But her phone?

A few moments later, I began to hear commotion from outside, the sound of voices carrying through the air. One voice stood out, its tone filled with frustration and anger.

"No, no, we didn't find her in the room, but we..." the voice trailed off, interrupted abruptly by another voice, more volatile and unhinged.

"SO CHECK THE BARN!" the voice thundered, echoing with a chilling intensity. 

It bore a resemblance to Dean's voice, but fear gripped me, leaving room for doubt and uncertainty. The forcefulness of the command sent shivers down my spine, heightening my sense of unease.

It made me jump, making the water splash a bit.

Who were they talking about?

A brief silence fell upon us before the door creaked open. A woman entered, her voice filled with an eerie softness that sent a shiver down my spine. It felt as though she held secrets in her words, hidden beneath her gentle demeanor.

"Ah, Miss Y/N, are you enjoying your time here?" she inquired, her tone laced with a mysterious undertone.

"Yes, it has been quite pleasant. Although, I think I may be ready to leave soon," I replied, a sense of determination in my voice.

"We actually have a spa session happening in room 307," she suggested, a glimmer of anticipation in her eyes.

"That sounds delightful," I responded, realizing that my fingers had begun to prune from the water. 

She handed me a luxuriously soft white robe and led me to the spa room, a sense of intrigue swirling within me.

"Hi, my name is Lyra, and I'll be giving you a massage today," she introduced herself.

"I remember sitting with you at breakfast," I acknowledged.

"Now, please take off your robe, lie down, and relax," Lyra instructed. I followed her directions, removing my robe and settling onto the massage table. As her skilled hands worked their magic, I felt my body sink into a state of blissful relaxation. 

The gentle strokes and soothing pressure nearly lulled me to sleep. Once the massage was complete, I expressed my gratitude to Lyra and was returning to my room, ready to indulge in a restful sleep.

Wow, these people are amazing at their job.

As I made my way back to my room, lost in the haze of relaxation, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" I rushed out. Startled, I quickly apologized, my words tumbling out in a drowsy manner.

"You..." the voice began, but then trailed off. I lifted my gaze to meet Dean's face, and a shiver ran down my spine. There was something unsettling in his expression, a hint of darkness that sent a wave of unease through me.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to bump into you," he apologized, his voice noticeably softer.

Did his demeanor just shift?

"Oh, no worries. I'm a bit tired and practically sleepwalking," I replied, trying to brush off the encounter.

"Did you just come from swimming?" he asked, curiosity lacing his words.

"They have a pool?" I exclaimed, surprised by the revelation. "No, actually, I just came from the hot tub. I almost fell asleep in there. My fingers even got all pruney," I explained, extending my hand to show him. To my surprise, he reached out and gently touched my hand.

"So soft... softer than what I imagined," he muttered, his voice carrying a hint of fascination.

"Nothing," he replied a little too quickly, attempting to dismiss his own words.

"Also, what was the yelling about?" I pressed, my intuition telling me something was amiss.

"What yelling?" he feigned innocence, but I could see a flicker of discomfort in his eyes.

"I heard yelling while I was in the hot tub. It sounded like you lost something. Your voice had a tinge of fear," I revealed, challenging his attempt to deceive me.

"There was no yelling. You must have been mistaken," he insisted, though his words lacked conviction.

Liar, I thought, my suspicion intensifying.

"No, that's what woke me up. I distinctly heard it," I countered, refusing to let him off the hook.

"It's nothing to worry about, just a minor disturbance," he offered weakly, failing to convince me of his innocence.

"Okay... well, I'm going to take a nap now," I said, deciding to retreat to my room. As I walked away, a sense of unease lingered, and I couldn't shake the feeling that Dean was hiding something from me.

I looked at amelia and told her about what i heard.

"Okay, that's strange but that could be about anything. I mean remember when our campus had that tour for seniors to check out the school, and one of the teachers lost a student" she said,

She was right, it really could be about anything. But his voice, the way he said it. Made me shiver to my core.

Entrapped hearts  [Yandere Cult X Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora