Talk it out

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"Sweetheart, it's time to call it a night," Dean murmured softly as he gently pried the phone from my grasp, coaxing me towards the inviting embrace of the bed.

"You've been working a lot lately," I muttered, voicing my concern.

"I'm aware," he replied with a sigh.

The following day, he returned the phone to me, and I wasted no time diving back into the group chat.


So, shouldn't we get to

Know eachother more


Oooh sounds fun!

I'll go first


Tammy POV

Returning to summer camp was always a mixed bag of emotions for me, a place I both cherished and dreaded.

"Tammy, come get the rest of your stuff," my aunt grumbled impatiently from the driver's seat, not bothering to step out of the car. 

The atmosphere grew tense around me as I was reminded of the person I was here because of. Gathering my belongings, I noticed my aunt couldn't even bring herself to glance at me through the rearview mirror.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the uneasy silence from behind me.

"Need a hand there?" the tall woman inquired, her attire suggesting she was a staff member, appearing out of nowhere.

"Um... yeah, please," I blurted out, feeling a wave of nervousness wash over me.

She chuckled softly before taking my belongings, "Is she going to lend a hand?" she inquired, casting a glance towards my aunt.

"Nope," I replied, noting the slight grimace on my face.

"Well, that's quite alright. I suppose I have more time to chat with you then," she remarked cheerfully.

"Yeah, I'm actually a new counselor here. Thought it would be a great way to spend my summer. And you?" I asked as we made our way into the expansive cabin, her leading the way down the hall past the kitchen to a room.

"Looks like you're in luck, having a room all to yourself. I'm one of the chefs here, but I also help out on the grounds," she explained.

"Have you been here long?" I inquired as I unpacked my belongings, her eyes following my movements intently.

"Born and raised on this land," she replied, observing me as I settled in. "If you ever need anything, just knock on the wall. I'm right next door."

The next day, as I prepared to teach my first class, she appeared once again.

"Hey, how's the class going?" she asked, her voice warm and encouraging.

"I'm getting the hang of it... sort of," I replied, glancing at my students who were engrossed in learning to play the flute.

"I don't think I caught your name yesterday. I'm Susan," she introduced herself, extending her calloused hand for me to shake.

"I-I'm Tammy," I stammered in reply.

We spent the entire summer together, though there were peculiar occurrences. I often felt as though I were being watched, and my attempts to befriend other counselors were met with dismissals.

Entrapped hearts  [Yandere Cult X Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon