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(Dean's pov)

As she collapsed into my arms, the weight of her body reminding me of the fragility of life, I swiftly tossed the syringe aside, its presence a stark reminder of the danger we had narrowly escaped. 

With utmost care, I cradled her limp form and carried her to my bed, her breathing shallow but steady as I laid her down gently.

After ensuring she was comfortable, I made my way to my office, the events of the night replaying in my mind like a haunting melody. The dim light cast eerie shadows across the room, amplifying the sense of unease that lingered in the air.

As I settled into my chair, my gaze fell upon the phone clutched in my trembling hands. It was a lifeline, a link to the outside world that now seemed more important than ever. With trembling fingers, I unlocked the device, the screen illuminating the room with a soft glow.

In the stillness of the night, I found myself lost in contemplation. How had I forgotten about the attic, that hidden chamber of secrets lurking just beyond reach?

Turning my attention to the radio, I reached out and flicked it on, the crackling static filling the room before a voice cut through the noise with an urgent warning.

"If you are in an old Chaplin home, seal off all attics and basements. I repeat, seal it off now," the voice urged, its urgency sending a chill down my spine as I realized the magnitude of the danger we faced.

In that moment, I knew that we were not safe, that the darkness that had enveloped this house threatened to consume us both.

I heard the door creak open behind me, and a voice pierced the silence. "Your darling seems so stressed," it said, the words dripping with concern.

Turning my head, I saw Ms. Merlin, the old lady who had a knack for stirring up trouble. "I'm just saying, your father would have taken care of her tantrums long before they began," she continued, her tone laced with a hint of nostalgia.

I felt a surge of anger rising within me. "What did I say about talking about my father?" I snapped, my voice laced with venom.

"But his methods worked. By this time, your mother was already pre-" Before she could finish her sentence, I lunged forward, my hands wrapping around her throat, cutting off her words and her breath. 

I could feel my nails digging deep into her skin as I stared into her eyes, my own filled with a mixture of rage and desperation.

No one dares to mention my mother.

As she stared at me with pleading eyes, I felt a surge of anger coursing through me. Ignoring her silent pleas, I tightened my grip until I heard a sickening crack.

With a sense of grim satisfaction, I dropped her limp body to the floor. It should have been done years ago. I've grown too soft on these people.

I grabbed the radio once more, the weight of authority heavy in my hands. "Meeting in the circle at 9," I announced, my voice cutting through the tense silence that hung in the air.

As everyone gathered in the designated spot, I made sure to lock eyes with each and every one of them, my gaze piercing and unwavering. "The ritual is over," I declared firmly, my tone brooking no argument.

I watched as shock and apprehension spread through the crowd, murmurs of uncertainty rippling amongst them. "It appears I've gone soft on discipline," I continued, my voice low and menacing. "The next person who dares to utter a word about this will be buried in the cornfield, just like Ms. Merlin."

The faces around me paled at the severity of my words, a collective realization dawning on them that disobedience would not be tolerated.

"Now, my plan will be enacted tomorrow, and not a soul is to step out of line," I commanded, my voice echoing with authority.

With that, I turned and walked away, my footsteps heavy with purpose. Making my way to the designated spot, I swiftly disposed of the old lady's body, along with the two boys who had proven too loose-lipped for their own good.

After ensuring that there were no witnesses, I packed my belongings and hers, loading them into a car. With a sense of grim determination, I drove her to a nice neighborhood, a fresh start awaiting her beyond the confines of our twisted world.

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