Chapter 9.

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Hazel's blood immediately boiled with anger after Neli's group left the salon, she just wanted to embarrass her and see her pathetic face again but she didn't expect that she would answer her like that. But why did she suddenly say that they need to file their divorce, if they are not together for the past three years?

Didn't they both sign the divorce paper a long time ago? Caleb broke up with her all of a sudden a week after the hotel incident but she thought that he just wanted to cool down because of all his stress to his wife and to his work, and beside she's also working with his mother's agency so she could still easily see him anytime.

Hazel noticed her stylist become quiet while fixing her hair, she also saw that he seemed embarrassed to talk to her which made her cursed Neli even more.

It's been three years since Caleb broke up with her and he never spoke to her again, however she didn't accept that and still continued to tell other people that she was his girlfriend. People still believe in her because they don't know that Caleb was already married, that's why she was so angry with Neli when she suddenly mentioned their divorce in front of other people.

Caleb has everything she's looking for in a man, handsome face, a perfect body, smart and wealthy. She was happy every time she saw the envy in people's eyes every time she said that she was his girlfriend, she also doesn't want to lose the luxurious life she gets so she wouldn't allow Caleb to disappear from her life.


Neli was busy choosing clothes for her step-sisters when she saw that Mel received a call, after talking to someone on the phone she immediately told her that their dinner meeting was canceled tonight because the owner had an emergency, but she's also informed her that their venue has just been changed and a dinner party is about to take place three days later.

Because of that, they decided to look for a dress to wear for the dinner party, she didn't bring a dress that fits a dinner party because she didn't expect their meeting to change.

She saw the joy in her two step-sisters while they were busy choosing a dress for her from a catalog after they entered a famous boutique shop inside the mall. While they were busy, she distracted herself by looking at the ready made dresses brought out by a staff.

A beautiful red velvet dress caught her attention.

"It looks perfect."

Neli immediately turned behind her when she heard Mel speak, she saw her three siblings busy checking at the dress that she was looking at and even Camille joined in checking at the dress in front of them.

"You will be very sexy in that dress Sister Neli."

"Okay, Madam." she felt Mel patted her shoulders. "Try it so we can ask them to adjust it immediately in case it doesn't match your size."

"No, I'm just looking." she answered. "I still haven't looked through the catalog, is there anything you like?"

"I'm sure this dress will suit you better."

Neli excitedly wears the dress, the dress features a flattering off shoulder and deep V-neckline design that highlights her cleavage and sexy neckline with ruched pleated slit providing elegance and sophistication yet very sexy aura. She seems to want to seduce someone with her looks when she sees herself in the mirror.


"You look very gorgeous in that dress, Neli." even Camille was amazed by her. "It really suits you."

"T-thank you."

There was a little adjustment that needed to be done on the dress and the staff said that the dress would be delivered to their house within two days after the size was adjusted. While taking her measurements, she also told them to choose a dress they wanted so she could buy it for them.

After they shopped for their dresses, her youngest step-sisters asked to eat some ice cream but Camille forbade her because according to her it was about time for dinner. She checked what time it was and saw that it was past five in the afternoon so she immediately brought them to a buffet restaurant, she chose it so that Cha could also eat ice cream after they ate their dinner because according to Mel, there are many different flavors of ice cream in that buffet restaurant.


Neli became busy the next day because of her interview in a popular magazine to promote the newly released product of her endorsed brand. The brand is called "Belle femme" which means a 'Beautiful Woman' in french and it is one of the best leading cosmetic brands in the world.

The following day at night while waiting for her father to get home in the living room, Mel received a call from Director Santos that surprised her, he was the director of her Belle femme lipstick commercial. He offered her to join the cast of a short film for valentine's day that he will make and according to him, he immediately thought of her after reading the script so he called her.

Neli had no intention of accepting his offer, because she wanted to return to New York as soon as possible but the director's assistant still sent her the script even though she had not accepted the offer, but when she read it, she liked the story in the short commercial film that Director Santos will going to make and she found out that they would only spend two days for shooting, so in the end she just agreed to do the commercial.

After they called the director and agreed to be part of the cast, Mel discussed her schedule and remembered that her three year contract with her agency in New York was about to end next month and they had to go back for renewal. They were busy when they suddenly heard the doorbell, she looked at Camille when she said that she would open the door. When she returned, she was accompanied by a woman and two men carrying large boxes.

She felt excited when she realized that was their dress, but her excitement immediately disappeared when she heard the woman standing next to Camille speak.

"I'm really sorry Ma'am."

Neli's eyes widened after the woman who was the boutique manager confessed to her. She said that a new staff member accidentally sold her dress to another customer, but did not inform the other staff. They only found out what happened when a woman who purchased the dress went to their boutique early in the morning to pick up the dress that the woman asked to adjust. But the boutique manager immediately said that they had prepared a dress for her because the staff who assisted them that time remembered that her two step-sisters liked that dress for her, the woman even gave her a pair of nice high heels for compensation.

Neli's jaw dropped when she saw the dress her two step-sisters had chosen for her and they have also adjusted the dress according to her measurements.

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