Chapter 25.

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Caleb carries his wife to their new room, she cries the whole time until she falls asleep. He couldn't help but to blame himself and his family for what happened to her and to her Mother, he didn't know that someone might suffer because of their family's enemies before, and it is his wife who suffered the most.

He laid Neli down on the bed then fixed her hair that was covering her face. He stares at his wife, she looks like an angel while she's sleeping and even now that she has no make-up, her beauty can still be seen.

He regrets the time that they were supposed to be together, his wife is a nice and kind hearted woman but why did he choose to believe that woman? He immediately closed his heart and did not even try to know her better.

I must be really stupid.

Caleb lay down next to her and hugged her, he really wants to protect her this time. He wanted to see the smile on her lips, instead of the tears in her eyes, it feels like his heart is torn into pieces when he sees her sad and crying, he doesn't want her to get hurt and suffer anymore, so he will do everything to see her happy.

He immediately looked at Neli who was lying next to him when she suddenly moved. He stared at her beautiful face as she slept soundly and smiled when she squeezed her small body against him and hugged him.

That woman will move to the mansion tomorrow so they need to go early.

When Caleb woke up, he saw Neli standing in front of him. He slowly got off the bed and hugged her, but she suddenly pushed him away.

"Let's get divorced, Caleb." Neli slapped an envelope on his face. "I already signed it."

Caleb's heart suddenly throbbed on Neli's word, he immediately grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving but she just pulled it away and continued walking.

"NO! I don't want to get a divorce!" he shouted.

What happened all of a sudden?

But she still continued to walk away from him. He tried to chase her but his body couldn't move, she was afar when she suddenly turned to him.

"You need to take responsibility for Hazel." Neli said smiling but he can see the sadness on her beautiful face that makes his heart break. "I will let you both be happy together."

"No, please don't leave me." he's begging her. "Neli, you know that I didn't do anything to that woman!"

Neli's image gets further and further, until it completely disappears from his sight. He knelt down and punched the floor, his heart tightened, he couldn't breathe and couldn't help himself but to cry. He couldn't stop Neli from leaving, did she leave because of what happened? But he didn't do anything to that woman and she knows it.

He even explained everything to her, but she still left.

"Goodbye Caleb."

Caleb suddenly woke up and got off on the bed, he was sweating while catching his breath. His dream was still clear in his mind.

It... it was just a dream, relax!

He turned to look for Neli, as if cold water had been poured on him when he saw that his wife was no longer by his side. He immediately looked for her in all parts of their room but he still couldn't find her so he felt scared.

He looked at the time and it was only seven in the morning and it was too early for her to wake up.

Where did she go?

He hurried out of their room and searched all the rooms that Neli could go to, but he didn't see her until he got near the kitchen.

"Madam, let me do it for you."

"It's fine." he heard his wife say. "Please prepare the table and let me do the cooking."

Caleb immediately ran to the kitchen and saw his wife, who was busy cooking. He approached her and hugged her, he breathed a sign of relief as he felt Neli in his arms. This woman doesn't know how anxious he was when he didn't see her on their bed.

"C-Caleb..." he immediately kissed her on the lips when she turned her head on him.

"Who told you to leave my side?" he asked between kissing her. "You don't know how anxious I was when I didn't see you next to me."

"Ca--- Caleb." she pushed him away which surprised him. "What are you doing?" Neli's eyes widened.

He felt scared as he remembered his dream of how Neli slowly disappeared from his sight, he doesn't know if he can handle losing her in his life now.

"You won't leave me, right?" he asked her.

"What are you talking about?" she immediately hit his arms, he also noticed the redness on her cheeks but he just ignored it. He is still anxious because of his dream. "What happened to you?"

"Just tell me that you will not leave me."

Caleb suddenly heard someone coughing behind him, when he turned around, his was stunned, all his blood left his body when he saw his Grandma sitting in front of the table in the kitchen while holding back her laugh. His cheeks are slowly getting hot.


He never showed his vulnerable side to his family, only to Neli but now, even his Grandma saw it too. Caleb and Grandma are close to the point that they will tease and make fun of each other even in their miserable time.

"Neli, please tell that stupid brat that you won't leave him." Grandma said while laughing. "So he can stop acting bullshit."

"This is so embarrassing." he heard Neli say.

Caleb even saw his wife bowed in shame while holding her forehead, he just laughed when he saw her cheeks turn red, he kissed her hair and immediately apologized. He also felt embarrassed but he didn't want to show it because he knew his Grandma would tease him even more, if she saw that he's ashamed.

"What's going on here?"

They turned around and looked at the door when they heard his Mother voice who immediately approached Neli. Neli immediately removed his embrace to her causing him to pout.

"I'm sorry for what happened last night, Neli." his Mother apologized to his wife. "I never meant to ignore you yesterday, I was just so shocked at what happened and I don't know what to do."

"I understand, Mom." Neli said smiling at her. "You don't have to apologize."

Caleb smiled because of what his wife said, Neli is so kind that he thinks that he doesn't deserve her. She always chooses to understand other people, and always listens to others explanations.

"You're really as kind as your Mother." he heard his Mother which surprised him.

"You know Neli's Mom?" he wondered.

"Didn't I tell you?" his Mother exclaimed in shock. "Her Mom Nelia and I were friends when we were highschool, but when we both got married we became busy with our own lives and never talked to each other often. I just remember, I'm so sorry Neli that I didn't go to her funeral, it was late when I found out that she died in a car accident because at the time I was taking care of Caleb."

"Mom, we need to tell you something."

Caleb decides to tell his Mother everything that Grandma found out, it's about time for his Mother to know the truth about the snake they took care of for fourteen years.

"The reason why Neli's Mom died is because of that woman and her father."

His Mother was shocked after they told her everything about the incident fourteen years ago, but they clear that that was just a possibility that might have happened back then so they need to investigate further. She was so mad that she was about to call that woman but they immediately stopped her, they needed to know what other plans that woman has, and they needed his Mother to monitor whatever that woman would do in the mansion.

Their plan is to make that woman's life miserable, she needs to pay for what she did to them and being in jail is not enough. They need to take back all the things that they gave to her, she's the woman who doesn't deserve everything and anyone.

After their breakfast they left the mansion before Hazel came and decided to go to the hospital where Mel was.

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