Chapter 16.

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Before she got discharged from the hospital, Caleb told her to stay at his villa so that he could take care of her while she was recovering, but she preferred to stay at her father's house to recover. She doesn't want to go back to his villa because she knew that what happened to her there back then would come back to haunt her.

Five days have passed since she was discharge but he didn't leave her side even though Mel was there to take care of her. Caleb begged her father to stay in their house as well so he could take care of her, he was already inside her room when she open her eyes and stay at night until she fall as sleep. He also feeds her, he carefully cleans and applies ointment on her wounds so it will not leave scars on her skin and often takes her outside so that she can relax and breathe fresh air.

"Caleb, I can eat alone." she said to him after serving her food. "I broke my leg not my hands."

"I know." he said wiping her mouth. "I just want to do it for you so that you can recover quickly."

She just sighed and let him do what he wanted to do, because for the past five days she had enough of scolding him.

He also informed her that her mother-in-law did not call her agency to cancel their contract with the brand so that there is still a project waiting for her when she recovers, but for now Hazel will be her replacement while she is recovering.

She frowned.


"It's Mom's decision, not mine." Caleb immediately answered.

According to the orthopedic surgeon who examined her, it will take about one to two months for her leg to heal. So for two months or until she fully recovers, Hazel will attend events and do her projects as a replacement, but she could only attend some local events and will not allowed to go to some international events.

"The person who hits you was also in jail." Caleb said to her then put the spoon with food in front of her mouth, she immediately took a bite. "Mom has also terminated his daughter's contract as a model in her brand."

"Why?" she was a little bit sad about what happened to the model. "She didn't do anything."

"She's the reason why her father did that to you, Neli." Caleb explained. "I don't know why she thinks that you robbed her position of being the brand ambassador, the owner of belle femme in New York decided that you will be the brand ambassador in the country."

She was surprised by what he said.

"What do you mean?"

"Mom owns and a licensed distributor of the belle femme brand here in our country, but the brand owner from New York will choose who will be the brand ambassador in different countries, and both sides need to agree on it. She can choose for a local model or artist to endorse her brand on her own and she has the rights to cancel your contract as well if she wants to." he explains. "Perhaps the owner from New York saw something in you that's why they chose you as an ambassador."

She fully thought that it was her mother-in-law who decided to make her the brand ambassador so she wanted to cancel her contract with the brand, she doesn't want other people to think badly of her mother-in-law or accused her as a biased if someone finds out about their relationship with each other.

"How about your company Caleb?" she suddenly asked worriedly. "You've been here for five days."

"I will take care of you until you recover."

"But I need more than two months to recover, Caleb." she exclaimed. "The orthopedists also mention that I need to take some physical therapy after that."

"My company will not go bankrupt in just two months or even more..." he explained then gave her a glass of water. "I took a month of leave and asked my assistant to bring the important documents that needed my signature here."

She didn't ask him anymore and just drank the water he handed over, she didn't know what Caleb plans but somehow she felt happy because he was staying by her side.

In the afternoon a maid told them that Grandma was in the house. Neli saw Caleb, who was sitting on the couch of her room, immediately threw the paper that he was holding and approached her.

"Let's go see Grandma." he said then carried her.

Carrying her became normal for her now because her room was on the second floor, so he always carried her every time he would take her out of her room and had to go down to the living room to see her relatives who visited her.

After she returned to the house, her father told her to use the guest room downstairs temporarily so it's easy for her to go to the living room or dining area, but Caleb did not agree and insisted that she would be more comfortable if she rested in her room. So now, he needs to carry her every time she needs to go down.

After they went down the stairs, Caleb immediately sat her in the wheelchair arranged by the maid, he also pushed her wheelchair to go to Grandma.


She saw Camille with Grandma sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Neli, my granddaughter!" she heard Grandma say when she saw her. "How are you, are you feeling okay now?"

"I'm fine Grandma, my head just hurts a little sometimes."

"Do you want to sit beside Grandma?" Caleb asked.

"No, I'm fine here in the wheelchair."

To be honest, she can stand and walk on her own but Caleb didn't agree to let her do that because he said that he didn't want her to struggle.

"It's good that my grandson is taking care of you." Grandma said smiling.

Camille excused herself and said that she would just head to the kitchen to prepare a snack for them while they talked.

"Are you staying here in Andrew's house now?" Grandma asked Caleb, Andrew is Neli's father. "Did he allow you to stay here?"

"Yes, Grandma." he answered. "I'm planning to stay here until my wife recovers, but it's better if she agrees to live again in our villa."

Grandma looked at her.

"You don't want to stay in your villa?"

She just shook her head for an answer.

Grandma took a deep breath.

"Can I talk to Neli alone?"

"Do I need to go?" she heard Caleb ask Grandma.

"Of course." she answered immediately. "I only want to talk to Neli."

Grandma stood up, just as she was about to push her wheelchair but Caleb immediately grabbed it.

"I will bring you to the garden, you can also talk there."

When they arrived at the garden, Caleb immediately left but he said that he would just stand and stay in front of the door and just called him when they were done talking.

"I have an idea of who's behind what happened to you." Grandma said all of a sudden.

"Grandma, the person who hit me was in jail now."

"No, I know there is someone who's behind this."

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