Plan B/The Escape

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It's now 9 pm. Justin headed back over to Tris's tattoo place. Justin sighs and then knocks. Tris let him In and they walked into the kitchen area.
Justin sat on the chair"So.."
Tris responds "Did you check the military school to see if they are there.."
Justin sighs"No they are not there."
Tris sighs"I have an idea of where they might be. We have to go now if we are going to find it. I have this map that leads to it. It is 2 hours away from the school but no one usually goes there. So I hope that would be it." Tris shows Justin the map.
Justin looks at it and turns it around"Let's go"
Tris clears her throat"Let me drive."
Justin laughs and sighs"Ok fine, you drive."
Justin folds the map down and throws Tris the keys and she catches it and they head out.

John is still around Aaron's dead body and Shawn gets up and opens the door peephole to see if he sees anyone coming or hears anything. "Jeremih, we should get going we have to look around the area to figure out some sort of plan to kill all the bitches one time."
Jeremih gets up"Let's go."
John speaks "Be careful please."
Shawn replies" We will we are coming back.
Shawn opens the door with the key and slowly pull it open and peek through finding not one guard around Jeremih following after him. Shawn whispers"Let's go find the girls first."
Shawn and Jeremih's tip-toed and walked straight down to the other side and found a door. They opened it and found nothing in the door then locked it back. They continued walking down and found another door. This time they heard Meaghan and Taylor's voice. They opened the door and the girls scream. Shawn replies"Shh"
Meaghan runs to him and hugs him"Baby.."
Shawn hugs her back"Jeremih and I going to find a way to destroy this place and to get us out please stay put."
I sigh" I heard gunshots, where is John."
Jeremih replies"Aaron got shot he's dead."
I was speechless I started to cry.
Shawn replies"We are coming back. Stay put."
Shawn closed the door and locked it back and continued walking slowly with Jeremih. As they continued to walk they heard Seargent Major and his son talking with someone else. Jeremih and Shawn ducked down to listen.
Seargent Major speaks" We are going to kill them. When you bring them food in the morning. Poison it!"
Seargent Major's son chips in to "poison them all"
Guard 1 replies "I had to kill one because he tried to escape while going to the bathroom."
Seargent Major laughs" Good job, I will promote you."
Jeremih and Shawn heard Seargent Major and his son walks out of the room. They hide until all of them is out of site. Then Jeremih and Shawn sneaked into the office finding guns and a bomb that is not set as yet and it comes with a remote to set the timer. Shawn picks it up and whispered to Jeremih"We have to blow up the place with this." Shawn puts it in a bag. Jeremih grabs a pistol and put it into his pants." We have to go now"
Jeremih and Shawn looked around before leaving the office and quickly ran back to the area the girls were in and opened the door. Meaghan and Taylor came to the door Shawn speaks " They are planning on poisoning us in the morning." Shawn shows them the bomb" We will have to blow up the place. We are coming back for you guys before the morning comes. Please sit tight." Meaghan smiled and cries " I love you, Shawn." Shawn kisses Meaghan " I love you too" and then speaks to Taylor " Don't worry we'll be getting out soon."
I shake my head in agreement. Shawn locks the door and went back into their room with Jeremih and John.


Justin and Tris ride down past the school to find the location. It's a two-hour drive.

Justin thoughts- I hope you all are alright, I hope I make it in to save you, baby girl, I miss you I love you, I'm sorry for cheating, I'm sorry for not being so perfect but I'm going to find you and save you and then marry you

Tris speaks " Hey! Everything is going to be fine"

Tris looks at the map while driving

Justin's out of his thoughts and sighs "Yeah I know

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