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[OP] Randomly register an account. Posted on January 18, 2017, 21:31:01

Let me tell you about the straw that broke the camel's back.

After starting work, I had very few holidays, especially since it was my first year on the job. I hardly had any vacation time; it felt like I blinked, and it was gone. I only had five days of annual leave, plus the weekends, which made it a total of seven days. I planned to go to a quiet place with A, just to see the sea and bask in the sun.

One day, A took me to have dinner with some of his college friends. They were all good friends from his university days, and one of them was called D. He was the kind who loved to organize activities in the student union. D said that B had returned, and this year, they should all take their annual leave together and go on a trip. After this, they might not have another chance. They had gone on a trip together once or twice during college and had a close bond. I didn't go that day because B was there, and A didn't invite me either.

Everyone else seemed excited about the idea, but I felt awkward. Part of me didn't really want to go, but I didn't want to be the odd one out either. After all, they were A's friends, including B, and they had always been nice to me. I didn't say whether I would go or not, just said that I would see when the time comes. D knew that A and I were a couple, but he got to know A and his friends relatively late, so he probably didn't know about the complicated relationship between A, B, and me. D kept persuading me, and he was really good at it. He used the typical tactics of pushing for it, saying that if I didn't go, it would seem like I was avoiding them or something. To get him to stop, I eventually agreed.

A noticed that I didn't want to go, and on our way back home, he asked if it was okay if he went without me this time. His work schedule was a bit special, with busy and slow seasons. During the slow season, he could take another vacation to accompany me. I thought about how he would have to wait for two more months during the slow season, and since D had said so much, I felt like not going might seem a bit unreasonable. So, I made up my mind and decided to go.

But little did I know, that decision led to our breakup.

There were six of us on a certain island: A and I, B and C, and D with his girlfriend. The first two days were great, we had a blast. We swam and surfed by the beach during the day, and at night, we all enjoyed seafood, beer, and played games together. A and B didn't have any particular interaction, it really seemed like they were just ordinary friends.

It was like something out of a fairytale.

On the third day, A wanted to go diving, but D and his girlfriend didn't want to. So, ABC and I went diving together (Why do I feel like I'm diving with a bunch of English letters? (panic.jpg)). Alright, let's change the names. We usually call C "Egg Bro," he's funny and takes good care of people; let's call B "Fu Yan," he's a gentle and cultured person. A will still be called A; I haven't prepared a name for him.

Normally, I could snorkel for at least two hours and dive for half an hour. Maybe it was because I had seafood the night before and got diarrhea, I felt a bit weak that day. After half an hour of snorkeling, I was already exhausted. A and Egg Bro still wanted to go for a deep dive, so I said I would go back to the shore first, and Fu Yan said he couldn't go on either and wanted to go back with me. The island's staff came to pick us up. We were on a kind of motorboat, each sitting alone, not sure if the person driving Fu Yan's boat was new or drunk, but he drove very fast and even wanted to do a 180-degree turn to show off. As a result, he collided with my boat, and the two boats' bows collided. Nobody got hit, but I was thrown out of my boat by the impact, and so was Fu Yan. The two boats flipped over, and both Fu Yan and I fell into the water.

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