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[OP] Randomly register an account. Posted on February 26, 2017, 20:12:09

During my time in City Y, Pei Hao persistently annoyed me to the point where my attitude toward him worsened. So, when I returned to City X, he didn't follow me around like he used to in City Y. Instead, he would visit our workplace or my doorstep every few days, bringing me food or some random gifts he had picked up. If I didn't accept them, he would leave them at my doorstep. Many times, I ended up feeding stray cats and dogs with the food, and for some valuable gifts, I didn't want to take them or leave them, so they piled up at my doorstep for days. They never got taken by anyone, so I had no choice but to bring them back inside, intending to return them all to him when he had a change of heart someday.

Later, Jin Yu invited me out a few times as well – for meals or to watch sports games. He mentioned that most people around him were business associates, so socializing with them was more like networking, whereas spending time with someone like me, who had no ulterior motives, was more relaxing. I'm quite a homebody, so occasionally going out with friends seemed nice enough.

During a meeting on Friday, the manager mentioned that the company was considering sending some technical staff for a year-long overseas training program at the beginning of the next year, with a three-year contract commitment upon return. The top three employees in the combined rankings of each branch would be eligible to participate in the exchange program, and the competition would start in two months.

Few experienced employees with families were interested in participating, but for us newcomers who had just entered the workforce, it was a great opportunity. The training school we would be attending was the internationally renowned C University, known for its programming. Many founders of software companies had graduated from there, so going for a year would not only expand our knowledge but also provide an opportunity to broaden our professional network.

I glanced at the list of participants and did some calculations. The City X branch had three spots available, and I felt that with some effort, I might have a chance. Besides, I had plenty of free time and reading books seemed like a good way to cure my insomnia.

Also, ever since I transferred to Team 3, Old Wang had been spreading rumors that I was reassigned because I couldn't handle the technical work in their team. Frankly, I was displeased. If I were truly inadequate, then fine, you have a point. But the fact that I hadn't been assigned to a single project was outrageous. I might not even go for the training, I just wanted to prove myself. How was it that I was inferior to their team?

So, during that period, I worked hard. I stopped binge-watching TV shows, and apart from occasionally going out, I spent my days at home reading books and writing code. Jin Yu was astonished by my newfound dedication. He complained that every time he tried to reach me, I was engrossed in a book. He even joked that it seemed like I was studying for the college entrance exam.

I briefly scanned the chat history with Jin Yu and realized that I had unknowingly turned down his invitations three times in a row. It wasn't the best behavior, so I closed my book and replied to him: "No reading this weekend. Tell me, where do you want to go?"

And so, that weekend, Jin Yu and I went to watch a movie. I thought he would choose a big-budget Hollywood film, perhaps something from the Marvel universe, but he opted for an arthouse French romantic film. Two guys watching a movie together wasn't odd, but watching an arthouse romantic film together...

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