ǝuᴉu ʎʇuǝʍʇ ɐɹʇxǝ

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The lights in the bar were eerie and hazy, the people on the dance floor were dancing chaotically, the speakers were blasting deafening music, and it was making Egg Brother's eardrums ache.

Two girls wearing sleeveless black dresses and heavy makeup walked over with drinks in hand, asking him and the handsome guy next to him if they wanted to join them. Egg Brother pointed at Pei Hao, who was almost slumped over the table from drinking, waved his hand at the girls, and shouted loudly, "He's into guys."

In this place, you can't have a proper conversation; everything relies on shouting.

The girls immediately gave him disdainful looks, swayed their bodies while holding their glasses, and walked away.

It's so noisy, Egg Brother had been sitting here with Pei Hao for nearly an hour.

No, he had been watching Pei Hao for nearly an hour.

He couldn't hear anything anyone was saying, and it was getting boring.

Just after midnight, Pei Hao wanted more drinks. Egg Brother slapped his hand, which was holding up the glass, in sorrow and anger. He pulled Pei Hao out of the bar. Pei Hao was tall and sturdy, but he stumbled as he walked, and Egg Brother had to support him, panting heavily.

After finally getting him into the car, Egg Brother started the engine, planning to take him home. But Pei Hao, with his eyes closed like a grandpa, suddenly said, "I'm not going home."

"Damn it, then where are you going?" Egg Brother felt a bit angry. He had been accompanying Pei Hao like this for the past two days. What's more, he had postponed his date with the girl he liked just for Pei Hao. Finally, it was the weekend, a chance for him to relax and take a break.

"By the river," Pei Hao replied, his brows furrowing.

"Fine, by the river it is. I'll make a scene with you today, but if you call me tomorrow, I won't answer," Egg Brother angrily stepped on the gas pedal and drove to the riverside.

Perhaps because he was driving too fast, Pei Hao vomited as soon as he got out of the car. Egg Brother handed him tissues and sat on a bench by the river, waiting for him to finish.

It was early winter, and the wind by the river was stronger than in the city. It slipped into Pei Hao's sleeves, making his body, which was already getting warm from alcohol, feel cold.

"Speak up," Egg Brother saw that Pei Hao was walking steadily after vomiting and that his eyes had cleared up. So, he tossed him a cigarette and a lighter, then raised his head and asked, "What the hell have you been up to these past few days?"

"Nothing," Pei Hao said with a cigarette between his lips. He used one hand to shield the wind from blowing out the flame while using the other to light the cigarette. "Xiao Xi is going on a date with someone else tomorrow."

"Damn it..." Egg Brother was shocked. He thought that even if you really liked someone, with time, those feelings would fade away. After all, men were often fickle in love.

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