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Yahoo! I thought as I used teleportation to dodge mother's attacks. Yes, it has been quiet a while. I am now a Zana Horowa with its overpowered immortality skill. In fact, with my knowledge of the plot, I hesitated if I should kill mother as it would send Ariel crazy trying to destroy my ass, but I decided to do it anyway. Mother did have a hand in in making it easier as she did come at me with every intention to kill me after all. That brings me to another point to address. I'm most likely going to be a girl aren't I? I was distraught when I first had the realization what feels like ages ago. I didn't mention I was a boy in my previous life? Well I was. Anyway I have just come to accept reality by now as nothing seems to go my way anyway. So I just took the fact with the attitude of being thankful to live again, not to mention Shiraori is hella powerful.

Also, even if I tried to copy the path Shiraori took, it would not be possible due to the butterfly effect. So I've been taking things in stride doing what I want keeping the most important parts the same. For instance getting the pride skill was a no brainer. But at the same time I am a little more powerful than Shiraori was by the time she faced mother as I have been hunting more than she was. Maybe there is a discrepancy between the novel and reality, but this great elroe labyrinth is even larger than it was made out to be. There were also many more boss level monsters that I had to face. As a result I only need 5 more levels to meet the conditions for evolution into an Arachne as I am LV 45 now. By the time I kill mother I can become an Arachne. Hopefully.

I have also of course made some preparations just in case Ariel comes and whoops my ass. I have a whole area in the labyrinth covered by eggs using the egg laying skill just in case I get killed. I don't want to mess up now due to being overconfident and not taking precautions. I will become a mother before I ever was able to become a father. It's a bittersweet moment. Also the system seems to be slightly different in minor places. For instance, I was able to name myself Shiraori and it displayed so when I used appraisal. It will be ridiculous though if I somehow due to some cosmic fluke end up becoming a man instead of a girl and have to call myself Shiraori. That's the sad part as I realized I could not change the name after I had already set it up to be so.

And back to reality. I am only talking to you through the parallel mind skill while my main body is still fighting mother. I have already destroyed the puppets and I have been running all around the cave section with my butthole on full power...cough, I mean spewing out spider webs to trap mother. I was originally going to teleport mother to the lava pool and then finish her off but that did not work. And for the finishing touch. [Abyss Magic Lv10] just to be sure she would be gone. And the empty space where mother stood earlier just speaks for itself doesn't it. Well and the system notification that I have levelled up and meet the condition to evolve. (Author's note: I am glossing over the fight because I honestly don't remember a lot of Shiraori's skill's and fighting style as I had read the wn and ln long ago. So Imma re-read it so I can describe future battles properly.)

I first teleport to the area where the Horo Neia have already started hatching and are happily moving towards me as if to recognize their mother. Aww, you guys are so cute! I conveyed my thoughts to them. (A/N: Not gonna lie, I wish the horo neia had more screen time. Their whole dynamic with Shiraori could have been explored much better) Seriously, my aesthetic sense and thought process has been skewed as I did not like insects before being reborn as a spider. It doesn't matter anymore either way. I mentally give them the command to keep watch around in case some beast or critter comes and give the a-ok for evolution into an Arachne as I let the darkness swallow me.

My vision returns and signifies the completion of my evolution into an Arachne. Many skills have reached max level and of course my body size has increased. Looking down I can see the large lower body of a spider. As I am an Arachne, I have a human upper body which almost feels weird after such a long time. Even though the amount of time I have spent in my spider body is lesser than my human one, the sheer amount of things I have experienced since I have been reincarnated here as a spider is more than my lifetime as a human. Being completely honest, all I did was waste time as a human.

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