Deus Aranea Dominatur

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This chapter is unedited and might contain lots of errors. Some people might find it boring but it is a necessary chapter for the future ones. Hope you enjoy reading!


Demiurge PoV:

Location: The Blazing Temple; 7th Floor of The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick

The Blazing Temple bore a striking resemblance to a once-proud Grecian-style sanctum, its columns now strewn about as though they had clashed violently with one another. Broken statues of ancient gods lay in shattered disarray, their forms profaned and defiled.

Above, the ceiling had given way, with large fragments plunged into the earth below, as if casting the divine out of the heavens themselves. Amidst the desecration, at the heart of the temple, sat a pristine white throne.

Amidst the desolation of the 7th floor which evoked the eerie imagery of Hell, faint, tormenting echoes reverberated through the air. These distant cries, laden with anguish, painted a haunting portrait of souls or perhaps unfortunate beings suffering in an eternal, unseen torment.

'Ahhh', the chilling, mournful cries echoed through the Blazing Temple, carrying with them the weight of torment and despair, creating a haunting symphony of suffering that reverberated throughout the infernal domain.

One such unfortunate being was Amora who was being tortured for her grave sin of infiltrating Nazarick.

Strolling through the meticulously designed sacred precincts shaped by his creator's vision, Demiurge allowed his thoughts to wander affectionately through their shared memories, all while he absorbed the enchanting melody that served as a backdrop.

As Lady White's directive dictated, he was obliged to indulge in a moment of respite, a customary practice for all inhabitants of Nazarick during their scheduled periods of relaxation.

And so, Demiurge readily set aside the multitude of tasks delegated to him, wholly embracing the enchanting music that surrounded him.

He had received news of Shalltear's departure, courtesy of the Evil Lords. Demiurge was not worried as he alongside Albedo had made sure that she was prepared for her mission. A repeat of something along the lines of the overlord novels would not happen.

Lady White could not face further disappointments from the NPCs, or rather the guardians in particular, after the previous fiasco.

As the defence commander of Nazarick, Demiurge had made sure to ramp up the security of Nazarick to avoid any incidents like the previous one. He had gone over uncountable hypothetical scenarios involving risks and tried to provide a solution to each one.

Undoubtedly, Lady White's well-being stood as the foremost concern, but this didn't imply that his strategies depended on the demise of the other Nazarick inhabitants.

Au contraire, once Lady White's safety was secured, Demiurge wholeheartedly dedicated himself to safeguarding the lives of his colleagues. He regarded them with respect as fellow creations of the Supreme Beings, after all.

Even during his designated rest session, he remained vigilant. Lady White, along with Cocytus and Sophia, had embarked on one of the Supreme One's periodic expeditions, which left Nazarick's security at an unprecedented low

He had casually traversed the sections monitored by his fellow inhabitants, all the while conducting his scientific experiments and gleefully tormenting Amora.

Managing this multitude of tasks concurrently was indeed demanding, yet this very capability ignited feelings of envy within the minds of every tomb resident.

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