A Twist in Time

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Agatha Harkness PoV:

'Agatha Harkness, do you wish to change your destiny? Become my subordinate and gain the power to change your fate.'

Agatha heard the voice suspected to belong to the existence in front of her within her mind. Become her subordinate? Why would such a godlike existence want her as a subordinate?

Yes, she truly thought that existence was a God. Well, a Goddess. The voice sounded very feminine. To quench her doubts, she asked the existence for clarification:

"Are you God?"

'I suppose you can think of it that way.' She heard the voice again.

"Why do you wish to have me as your subordinate? As you can see, I have nothing of worth." Agatha said self-deprecatingly.

'You can just think that it was fate that led me here. You have much to accomplish in the future, that is, if you do not perish here.'

She had much to accomplish? While it was true that she was very ambitious and hungry for power, Agatha did not think that she had anything that would warrant attention from a goddess.

"Do you really wish to have a witch who studies dark magic as a subordinate?" Agatha was confused by this. Dark magic had led her to this point. The suspected goddess should definitely know about that.

'What does studying dark magic have to do with you becoming my subordinate?' The goddess replied with a question. 'I want you as a subordinate due to your potential for magic and witchcraft. Nothing more, nothing less.'

She really did not seem to care about Agatha studying dark magic. As for her potential, Agatha herself wondered if her potential for magic was so high that a goddess came to recruit her.

'Now, I have yet to hear your answer. Do you wish to become my subordinate and change your fate? Beware that the time to make a choice is running out.'

After hearing the goddess speak, Agatha made up her mind. There was no other option left. Either she died at the hands of her mother or chose to join the goddess in front of her. She spoke resolutely

"I wish to become your subordinate."


Shiraori PoV:

"I wish to become your subordinate." I heard Agatha speak and breathed a sigh of relief. I quickly undid her binds with a wave of my hand.

I could have just gone and mind-controlled her like I did with Mobius and the TVA members but I did not want Cthon to somehow influence me through this in case he was able to completely corrupt Agatha. There's no guarantee that something like that won't happen after all.

It would be in my best interest to maintain a more contractual give-and-take relationship with her, where we part ways after meeting each other's interests. But ultimately I decided to try and make her my subordinate.

I suggested her being a subordinate and affirmed her suspicion of me being a god to gain a low level of loyalty to make any transactions in the future easier.

It kind of reminded me of novels where protagonists acted like gods to trick others. I ended up taking inspiration from Klein.

It seems I should wrap things up here before the effect of [Timestop] runs out. Oh, before that:

'Do you want to keep these witches alive?' I asked even if I knew her answer just in case.

"No, I would have killed them myself if I had the power." Well, you already have that power and you would have killed them if not for me.

Marvel: So I'm A Supreme Being, So what?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat