10. To Kiss and Tell

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Gillian pressed her bosom to me as she rose to her toes and opened her mouth, placing it wet and soft on mine. After running her tongue across my lips, she paused and said, "Open your mouth, Jarvis. The manner for lovers is to explore inside with our tongues."

"Oh!" This is what Judith had meant. Where had my mind gone? As I opened my mouth, I encountered her tongue, and we played delicately with them for a while – and so enticingly. Then, she plunged deeper, moaning as her belly pressed against my stiffness and wiggled. Swept away by an innate craving, I was fast lost in the wondrous sensations coursing through my body.

I do not know for how long this lasted, but Judith's voice broke the spell, "You need no demonstration from me, My Lady. But you are both exploring far too much with your hands for this to remain safe. Passion such as you show leads fast to the act which should await marriage."

Gillian pulled her mouth away from mine, sighing. "So, we cannot kiss as lovers until then?"

"Oh, you most certainly may. But this being your first experience of it, neither of you are aware of the signs." She nodded toward Gillian's hand pressing on my breeches front. "A man aroused in that manner is a sign of danger, and that you had taken one of his hands and placed it on your – your puddy, makes it all the more so."

"But it seems so natural to do these."

"Indeed, it is, But carnal urges such as these must be restrained until the proper time. Hands above the waist is a good rule."

"Oh!" Gillian lifted my hand from her cunny and placed it inside her dress top, moving it until I felt a hard nubbin. "Then, that makes it proper for him to caress my breasts – this also warms me below."

While I played with the delightfully pliant piece of flesh, Judith gasped. "Oh, goodness, no, My Lady."

"So, does this mean I cannot caress his chest?"

Judith blew a loud breath. "You are far too innocent in such matters, My Lady. We must sit later to discuss what your mother seems to have omitted."

"You may tell me now. Jarvis needs to know, as well."

"It is not something he should hear, My Lady."

"And why not? He is an equal part of this."

All this while, I delighted in Gillian's quiet moans as I caressed and tweaked her nubbins, moving between the two – deftly, I thought, for my lack of experience. When Judith failed to reply to the question, I gave each a final twist and pull, and then withdrawing my hand, I sighed and said, "I must be to bed."

"Another kiss before you go, Jarvis."

This one was much less intense – delicate, tender and gentle, though still deliciously enticing. I throbbed against her belly, my stiffness refusing to subside, and the aching of my cullions grew all the stronger.

A short while later, with the bed curtains drawn, I disrobed, wondering why Father had refused to answer my questions about women. Judith seems forthcoming, though not fully forthright. Appears Gillian's mother was as my father had been, close-lipped about the matter. Why?

Then, abed and on my back, I laid a handkerchief on my chest and began stroking to ease the tension and relieve the aching – quietly, the couch only a few feet beyond the curtain. Thoughts of Gillian brought fast and intense release, and I struggled without success to quiet my moans.

"Is something amiss, Jarvis?"

Oh, dear Lord! She heard. What now? Feign being asleep. While I calmed from my explosive release, I purred a quiet snore, followed by another and a moan as I tried to imitate the sounds I remembered from the Oxford dormitory.

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