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Hey guys!! Im so so sooooooo sorry that I haven't updated in so long!! Ive had a really hectic life these past few weeks, and its all just been really hard. I hope you guys can forgive, and forget❤️ I also want to say thank you to all the people who support this fanfic, and to say I love all my Scallys!! Anyways here is your chapter:)

Maria's pov:
I woke up the next morning to see that there is no one beside me. I looked around the room confused, and wondering what this heavenly smell was. I yawned, and rubbed my eyes sleepily. Then there he was... The beautiful man that I had slept with last night. The one I've wanted for so long... Now that I've had him I cant help but want more. Sadly I shouldn't have even had him once. Andrew will be pissed if he finds out.. "Good morning Aphrotite" he says in a sweet voice. i blushed at his sweet comment. "I made breakfast if your feeling up to it." he asked me; his voice gental. my stomach growled at me to ware I couldn't protest. "Thats nice of you Marilyn. You're such a sweetheart" I stood up and saw his face get red. Shit, I'm still naked!!!! I grabbed the sheet and quickly covered myself. "Well that was a nice sight to start my morning" he said poking his tongue out at me. Note to self: I love playful Marilyn. My face already crimson, and its only ten in the morning... I dropped the sheet and looked at him with a lustful gaze. "Well then you wouldn't mind if I walked to the living room to retrieve my clothes then?" He looked back at me with just as much lust. "No need. I've retrieved them for you." he said pointing at the night stand. I smirked. "Well I guess you wont be getting much of a show then." His look of amusement turned to one of dissapointment. "Ill be waiting for you in the kitchen." He turned away, and I giggles at my nice come back. I grabbed my corset and wrapped it around myself. I laced the laces tightening them. Then I threw on the rest of my clothes in a hurry. I was starving, and what ever Marilyn had made smells amazing. I walked hesitantly to the kitchen ware I saw him at the table sipping a cup of tea. I walked over to him, and sat in the chai across from his. He already had my plate made. "I hope you like bacon, eggs, and tea" I nodded. "I do. Thank you again for going through all of this. You really didn't have to." He wiped his mouth on a napkin. "I know I didn't have to, but is it so bad to want to do a nice thing for a lovely woman?" He's so polite and sweet. "No its actually refreshing." He raised his brows. "Why is that?" He asked. "Do you really not know?" He looked in thought for a moment. "Because of all the assholes in the world right?" He laughed. "Exactly! Andrew being one of them!" I said while munching on a strip of bacon. His look changed from one of amusement to one of disappointment again. "Are you...?" He spoke aloud before quickly stopping himself. "Am I what?" He looked nevous, and began picking at the wood on the table. "Its nothing.. really..." I was now boiling with curiosity. "Tell me Marilyn." He looked down. "Are you *swollow* d-done with Andrew?..." At that moment I really believed curiosity killed the cat. I looked away ashamed. We sat there for a couple minutes until he spoke again. "Maria?..." He said even sadder. I felt awful. "Marilyn I..." I stopped.. "Save it Maria... Just... When you're done eating he's next door. Go back to him..." He got up and walked away. I was on the verge of tears. I just got up, and grabbed my purse. I walked out, and next door. I opened the door only to be met with an angry Andrew. "Why the fuck were you out all night?!" He yelled at me. "I was out all night so I didn't have to be with you!" I yelled back frustrated. "What the fuck did I do to you?!" He yelled again. "EVERYTHING!!" I yelled louder and stormed out. My breath was shaky, and tears poured from my eyes. "Why do I stay with him.........?" I whispered to myself. I couldn't feel... Nothing in my life was right.. I honestly don't think it ever will be either... Next thing I know I am on my way back to Marilyn. I knocked on his door only to feel even shittier about myself, as I saw a red eyed, an tear stained Marilyn. "What is Maria?..." He sounded dead.

______(10 minutes earlier) ______
Marilyn's pov:
As soon as the door shut I felt completely alone. No one cared, and no one will ever care... Why do I even try...? 'You're a failure!!!' Oh god no... The voices are back!!... ' you cant even get a girl to love you!!! You will never be good enough you disaster!! ' "GO AWAY!!" I screamed. ' You're as good as dead! You're as good as dead! You're as good as dead!' The voices were screaming. They were piercing, and screeching. I clawed at my ears to make them stop hearing, but even I know thats not possible. "YOU'RE WRONG!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I cried. What if the voices are right though?... What if I am a fuck up?... 'You're a dirty whore!!!' The voices screamed again. ' You fucked a taken woman!!' The voices were right... I hate myself... I began sobbing. I heard a knock on my door. I slowly stumbled to my feet, and dragged myself to the door. I opened the door with so much hesitation. Then I saw her... The one who did this, and more to me...

________(present time)_________
Maria's pov:
"M-Marilyn?...." I choked out. "What the fuck do you want?!" He screamed at me. I stood there in complete shock. "If I'm just some fucking rebound for that asshole then go the fuck away!! I wont be used for your own selfish needs Maria! I care about you and you don't give a fuck about me!! Just!... Just go away!!!" He screamed again. My heart fell. "Marilyn I-....." "JUST GO!!" With that I ran...

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