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Wasn't he some kind of APE-WOLF?


I STOOD THERE, jaw slightly open, staring at him like a fish as his eyes studied me. I couldn't believe I was caught in the same position twice. First with Harvest, and now here with Lucas Bowne.

When was I ever going to learn my sneaking around skills were useless on an island of converts? The faster I did, the faster I would learn to stop finding myself in these awkward positions.

I clasped my hands in front of me squeezing them tightly my eyes trailing down to his shoes remaining speechless. I could feel his eyes on me but when I quickly glanced up at him, his gaze momentarily trailed around the gardens behind me as if confirming I was alone, before folding his arms.

"I don't appreciate eavesdropping," he stated bluntly.

He seemed mad. I could not blame him. I could explain I was lost and I just happened to stumble on them, and I did not want to interrupt their conversation, but I was too embarrassed. It was easier to apologize.

I did just that, signing an apology, my eyes dashing away.

He nodded, looking up again, "So, is this one of your hides and seek games or are you genuinely lost?" he asked, peering down at me with a huff. I spotted a smirk growing against his lips.

Oh good, he wasn't mad.

My shoulders fell in relief at this, taking a deep breath in and exhaling, nodding softly afterward, keeping my eyes on the green grass.

He grunted at my answer, turning slightly, eyes trailing over the space he and Daya had just occupied.

"You probably heard everything them," he plainly stated, a soft look then falling on me.

I bit my bottom lip for a second contemplating how I would answer the question but I couldn't lie after being caught red-handed and so I nodded, eyes shifting from him to hedge failing to keep eye contact. I tried to look anywhere but at him feeling bad for eavesdropping on what definitely was a private conversation.

He shook his head sighing, his gaze seemed unstable as it stared pointlessly at the hedges behind me for a few seconds before looking down at me with what seemed like a forced smile.

"C'mon. I'll lead you back to the others," he began turning a certain direction.

I glanced at the direction for a moment before shaking my head. When his attention was finally drawn to me, I signed to him that I was actually heading back to the dorms.

He looked down at me curiously raising an eyebrow, "You want to spend your first Friday at Kingsland stuck in a dorm?" he asked, humor dancing in his eyes.

I didn't want to tell him I had lost my key and all that business. It just seemed like it wasn't something that I should make a big deal of, and I didn't feel like explaining stuff like that so I stole David's excuse.

'It's just not my scene.' I signed with a careless shrug.

I felt exposed as his eyes studied me before he let out an amused chuckle, "all alright," he grunted, before taking a step closer, "I get that. Honestly, I just came here for Daya..." he trailed off as I watched his expression change before returning when he shook his head free, "hmm-My senses are way too sensitive for the smoke," he confessed.

I tried not to make it appear that every bit of his features looked different and sadder than I ever thought was possible for someone who had such a great smile.

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