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MY HEART was a nonexistent beat within me, nevertheless, I kept my eyes on him.

My lips shivered against my shaky breaths, my body stiffening allowing his blue orbs to melt in mine.

He had no control of my body, not like before when I was helpless. He was not forcing me to keep my eyes on him and yet, this feeling was even worse.

Having complete control of one's body and yet somehow still hypnotized, stole my reason, unable to be anything- but be present.

He didn't say a word after this, his eyes lingering off me for a moment, whilst I watched him curiously

My mind blocked all of the noise resounding from the crowd as a result of the ongoing fight below.

I was much too stunned by the being that calmly opened and was now flipping through his black notebook.

Ethereal silence suddenly existed above all else, not immune to the soft low sounds of his shallow breaths, as I studied his cool and collective expressions whilst he flipped through the white pages.

Taking out his pen, he clicked it open, his eyes flashing back to mine, stealing another breath from my lips.

I couldn't describe it. He was dangerous and beautiful at the same time. It bewitching to be the center of his attention.

Watching as his gaze slowly trailed down my face seemingly studying it once more, I could do nothing but study him too. His long eyelashes, his hair, his lips-

I sucked in a breath when his eyes flashed back to me, holding the stare for a moment before looking away once more, his pen moving effortlessly across his book.

I knew what he was doing when his eyes flashed back to my face seemingly recapturing me, before transferring the image by pen and paper.

He was drawing me, like he did by the wilting tree.

He seemed very calm whilst he drew me. He seemed content. For a moment, it didn't feel like we were fighting, or like I was running. It felt like the blood moon night. Only me and him. It didn't matter what or who he was.

It was just a boy and a girl. And a feeling.

I caught a breath at this, wondering if anyone else was seeing this. My eyes dashed over my friends, but they all seemed much too occupied with the ongoing fight below than anything anyone else could be doing.

Even the people beside Harvest didn't seem to notice that his attention wasn't fixed on the fight.

He too, obviously, didn't seem to mind, drawing as if nobody was watching, as if there weren't a thousand voices roaring in the air right now

As if it was just the two of us.  Sitting beside each other as the firewall gleamed in the distance.

The memory flooded my mind and my heart skipped a beat, my cheeks heating up at the flustering thought.

When it was just the two of us...

Who would have guessed that I would ponder on such a moment so longingly?

My eyes slowly trailed up to his, doing my own studying, all those beautiful features he had.

Flashes of all the little things he did roam my head unleashed. I could barely pay attention to the roaring of students and the claps that surrounded me.

It was like I was in a different plane of existence, where only he was too.

Gaze lingering on his face, I caught the beautiful movements of his eyes as they darted to and fro, calmly.

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