[91.1] TO BE HUMAN

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'That I'm human, that I do not belong here."


TO SAY THAT I was star-struck at this moment would be an understatement. I couldn't believe that the one and only Miss Akhana Amir was right here, casually walking beside me.

I clasped my hands together tightly as we walked side by side down the cream-white hallways.

"It is indeed an honor to finally meet you, Princess," she finally said.

I side-glanced her way, a smile finding itself in me.

An honor to meet me? I couldn't believe that the Face of Kingsland was telling me that and to date, the smartest woman in the world.

No, it was an honor to meet HER.

I nodded, wanting to sign but stopping myself, my eyes shifting in place. I wasn't embarrassed about my disability but it did make me nervous.

"I know almost every language in the world, princess" she suddenly signed my way.

My eyebrows arched, at her, not surprised she could do it but honored that she was doing it for me.

It made me feel way more comfortable and I signed back,

'The honor is mine,"

She gave me a nod, her silky midnight black hair curling down to her shoulders in a way only middle eastern women could flawlessly pull off, her beauty unmatched by any other which ultimately made her even more intimidating to the male species.

It was one of the things I simply adored about her.

"Have you taken a liking to Kingsland yet?' she asked, her accent exotic and foreign, one I couldn't put pinpoint yet.

I thought about the question for a moment, trying to fight against the feeling of butterflies in my tummy.

I was officially star-struck and was racking my brain for 'intelligent' sounding answers even if it was to the most basic questions.

'It's been a good experience," I signed slowly, racking my brain for more info and it gladly displayed to me some of the good memories that had made my stay at Kingsland worthwhile.

So far it was Meeting my friends, Mr. Ogustus, to the magical day at the bonfire and then, of course, it cut to blue eyes, Daya and then- by drowning-

"But?" Miss Amir prodded, raising an eyebrow at me. She seemed to have seen the expression on my face grow sour.

"I'm scared," I finally signed, dropping my hands.

She looked at me curiously, "this is your kingdom princess, what could you be scared of in your own land?" she asked.

I paused at this question. My land?

Kingsland wasn't my land, was it?

Quite alright my father led it, or whatever, but did that technically mean I was going to head it one day?

I had never really thought about it that way.

I couldn't even run my kingdom filled with Mundane little humans and now I was magically going to run Kingsland, filled with Converts with powers like that of the Hypnotist yellow, or people that could curse me like Raskei and some even worse-

I could feel myself slowly panic at this drawing smaller breaths. I glanced up at Miss Amir's calm look, my eyes shifting away from her in seconds, coming and going.

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