chapter 7

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Xander's POV:

As we all sat down in the living room, I looked at Tony and Emily as they chatted together. It's nice seeing him lively again since the year he found out that his twin sister was gone; he's always been moody or rude. But here he is, smiling and laughing, which is a rare sight.

"So, Emily, now that we have you back, I know you have a lot of questions. Why don't we start with them, yeah?" I asked her softly.

Emily looked at me and then at everyone in the room, including me and her five brothers. She nodded slowly and then bit her lips before sighing.

Well, this is going to be a long night, I thought before sitting up straight.

"If I had you guys all this time, why was I with Adam, the man I called dad for 13 years?" She asked while tilting her head to the side.

The room fell quiet, and the boys looked away from Emily. She gave them confused looks but said nothing about their changed attitude.

"Well," I started, then cleared my throat. "You were taken away from us on your 1-year birthday; our parents died that same day too," I said softly.

I saw something flash in her eyes, then she looked at her twin brother, who was trying hard not to look at her.

"What do you mean taken away?" She asked again, her voice full of concern.

"That night, Mom thought it was a great idea to get you both birthday presents; she wanted to take you with her, but Dad didn't like the idea. So he decided to follow her to watch over you. Tony was asleep that day, so they left him with us to take care of," I said but stopped to take a deep breath.

"But when you guys were returning from the mall, you got into an accident that killed both our parents," I said before looking at her.

My heart broke when I saw tears rolling down her face. Tony looked at her before pulling her towards his side, whispering words to her.

"That day, we got a call, but when we arrived, you were nowhere to be found. We asked everyone around, showing them your pictures, but everyone we asked said they didn't see a baby, that it was just mom and dad," I whispered before looking at the others.

"So, how did you guys find me, and why kill Adam?" She asked softly.

Letting out a breath, I looked at Chris, waiting for him to explain that part. He cleared his throat before licking his lips.

"Well, after searching for you for years, we got a call from one of our clients. He said a man called him and said he wanted to sell you to him for money. We didn't know the girl was you, so we called Adam for some questions. When we asked him your age, who your mother is, and why he wanted to sell you, he explained that you were not his property and that he found you on the street. That was 12 years ago; he said he moved to Florida to start a new life there, but things were not working well for him, and that's why he wanted to sell you," Chris explained.

Emily scowled before looking away from him. I knew deeply that she was hurt by this information, but she was acting strong.

"So, we asked for your picture and wanted a blood test; this took us a week to do all this. And when the DNA test came, we were shocked when it matched ours, so we killed him—more like sent someone to kill him and came to get you," I finished the story.

Emily looked down for a while before looking at me; her eyes were now red, even her face.

"Can I have a moment to get this in my head, please?" she whispered while looking at all of us.

"Sure, baby, just don't think too much. We finally have you; that's all that matters right now," Austin said.

She gave us a nod before getting up with a wave. She headed upstairs, leaving us all alone with our thoughts.

"Well, this was some sad shit," Kelsey said, breaking the silence.

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