Chapter 22

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Emily's POV:

The past few days have been fun; my brothers and I are getting along really well, well, except for Kelsey, but the others are all good.

The best part is that Xender and Chris are finally allowing me to go to school. It wasn't easy because we had to cry and beg both of them to accept. We even made a cake for them.

"So, we got everything set for school tomorrow. How are you feeling about this?" Eren asked when he noticed my silence.

"I don't know, to be honest. I mean, yeah, but also scared about it. What will people think of me?" I said softly before looking around the room.

"You don't need to worry about that, sissy. Your twin is going to be with you, also the boys, so you won't be lonely, okay?" Austin said with a pat on my head.

I giggled softly before looking at Kelsey, who was staring at his phone. I want my brother back. Each time the others and I are playing together, I notice that lonely feeling around him, but he still chooses to ignore me.

"Kelsey, what do you think about the idea of me going to school?" I asked him softly. The others stayed quiet and waited for his answers, but all he did was glare at me.

"Do I look like I care?" he asked with a raised brow, his head tilted to the side.

I shook my head slowly before looking away when I felt the tears in my eyes. With that, I stood up and told the others "good night" then walked towards my room.

I won't let one brother of mine make me feel shitty about myself.

When I got into the room, I changed into my nightwear and then walked towards my bed.

"Let's get to sleep, you!" I said loudly, then giggled.

Man, I love my bed and sleep.

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Under editing

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