Chapter 36

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I woke up with a pounding headache, feeling nauseous. The room was dark, and I noticed all my brothers were tied up, blood dripping down from their mouths.

My mouth was dry, and my body ached from the car accident. As I glanced around, I spotted a body in the corner with hair resembling Kelsey's. Without hesitation, I rushed towards it, falling to my knees. Kelsey looked lifeless, his face bruised, his lips dried up, and his clothes dirty.

"Kelsey, we're here. We'll all go home, okay? I'm so sorry this happened to you," I whispered, tears streaming down my face.

I looked up to see the others still unconscious. Quickly standing up, I approached the door, recalling Chris's words about the kidnappers wanting me. If I could get their attention, maybe they'd release my brothers.

Surveying the room, I found a bell. Grabbing it, I moved toward the door.

"HEY!" I yelled, hoping to attract someone's attention. Glancing back at my brothers, I prayed they wouldn't wake up.

Looking at the gate, I was about to scream again when I noticed a man standing there. He wore a wild, unsettling smile, resembling a happy clown. Taking a step back, I pointed at myself.

"You... guys want me, right? You can just let my brothers go," I said softly, stealing one last glance at my brothers.

The man nodded happily, waving his arms, and signalling to someone behind him. Two men entered, pulling me out of the room. I looked back at my brothers one last time, whispering, "I love you guys."


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