Chapter 2

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I was supremely nervous to go back to sleep again the next night, although...what were the odds he'd be back...?

And's all just my imagination, right? Dreams and nightmares...

I shook my head and laid down, easily falling asleep.

The dream I had was simple enough, though I won't describe it here.

It was...happy? However, in the back of my mind, something felt off. Like I was about to be attacked.

My eyes widened as my soul blipped into existence once more. I instinctively did a dodge roll to the side, narrowly avoiding...string? Blue string? string...Error??

I whirled around, my eyes wide with shock as I saw Error floating there, strings tied around each of his fingers that were splayed out towards me.

He hummed in thought. " dodged. How did you know?"

I glanced down, my purple soul hanging in front of my chest.

I was distracted by its existence. Souls didn't have a physicality in my world...

Error took advantage of this as his strings redirected towards me, easily wrapping around all over my body.

They tightened and pulled me upwards, leaving me hanging in the air. I could barely move as my soul was also tied up.

I started panicking.

Error got a little closer, studying me. "What makes you so special that Nightmare would be able to find his way here?"

Despite the precarious situation I was in, I gave a mental scoff, still unable to properly speak within my dreams. Like I would know.

Error narrowed his eyes. "You're not in a position to be sarcastic."

I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being ornery. What is with you guys suddenly invading my personal space?

Error chuckled. "Interesting...I can see someone needs a bit of a behavior change."

My ornery attitude faded, being replaced with fear. L-Leave me alone!

I struggled, but it barely moved the strings.

"Error, what are you doing here? "

I looked around the best I could, but I couldn't see where the voice was originating from.

Error looked past me, frowning. "Just checking out the new human Nightmare found. Her soul was quite loud."


I heard footsteps approach from behind me and then to the side of me. I looked over with difficulty to see none other than the protector of the AUs, Ink.

With a slash of his brush, the strings were cut and I fell 3 feet to the ground, landing with an oomph.

"Nightmare, I'm not surprised he'd terrorize new humans. But you? "

What in the world was going on...?

My soul still hovered in front of me, distracting me again. But only briefly. I shakily got to my feet, surprisingly towering over Error. Ink was almost the same height as me, but not quite.

Ink glanced over at me and gave a grin. "Heh...err...hi, human! This is rather awkward, but it's still nice to meet you! "

I blinked some before sighing. Next thing I know, there's gonna be another one of you Sans people...skeletons...popping up in my sleep.

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