Chapter 12

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That night, I stayed up watching jakei's XTale, trying to glean any information from it that could help us.

Unfortunately, despite the amazing storytelling, it just showed Chara's fall into insanity, which I already knew about.

I shook my head. "Sorry, Frisk. Seems I can't particularly find any useful information..."

I went to bed, tossing and turning in worry. I eventually stilled as sleep claimed me.

I blinked some as I found myself sitting in a chair, the terrible collar and cuffs still on me. I looked around to see that I was in the Omega Timeline.

Frisk and Dream were talking quietly nearby but turned when I appeared. They came over. "Y/N! Did you find any information?"

I sighed. Other than a more in-depth look at how Chara became as insane as he was before, not really... I'm sorry, but the records were short. I got the personalities of the different monsters in his group before they became HIS monsters, but I don't think that will help any. They seem more aggressive but still have remnants of their personalities within them.

Frisk sighed, too. *Maybe we can appeal to their personalities? Get them on our side somehow?

I shook my head. We would have to break his hold over them, and that would require a power that we don't have.

"What do you mean?" Dream asked, looking confused.

He overwrote their personalities. We would need the overwrite power to get them back.

"Ah, that would make sense."

I nodded slightly before looking at Frisk. As much as you may want to go back, it just might not be safe for you to do so.

Frisk looked down. *I need to go back. I'm the ambassador, I can't just abandon everyone...

See, that is one thing I never got. Why must you be the ambassador? You're so...young. Experienced, but young.

*I can handle it, don't worry. Well, I mean...I could handle it... Now that everyone knows...I'm not so sure anymore...

I stood up with some difficulty and stretched with an equal amount of difficulty. I looked at Dream. So what should we do now?

Dream pondered for a bit. "We should probably get you two back to the main timeline. Even if it is dangerous, it's ultimately more dangerous for the Omega Timeline if Nightmare shows up here."

*Could you stay with us, Dream? I'm afraid of trying to face Nightmare again with just us...

"I don't have any pressing matters other than XGaster at the moment, and that's where he is, so yeah, I can stay with you."

That's actually a relief. Now I just need to find some way to heal that doesn't involve eating because I'm not about to let someone hand-feed me.

Frisk and Dream both chuckled at the face I made at the idea of being hand-fed. Don't laugh! I am a grown woman! I may act like a child 80% of the time, but I'm actually 21 years old.

"Those are baby numbers," Dream chuckled more.

Oh, hush, old man. I snickered.

Frisk grinned. *Exactly how long have you known each other?

Uhh...not terribly long. And 99% of the time, the only time we spend around each other is him saving me.

"True enough. But I like to befriend everyone! More friends, more positivity!"

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