Chapter 2 - Make a choice...

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It took Dante 20 minutes to reach the hospital. During the entire ride, he was wondering why they had to do this much for a woman that they never heard about. He parked the car near the entrance and let his brother carry the little girl. It was a weird situation, for both of them.

That kid was so little compared to them, and they were not use to deal with children. Their younger brothers were grown men now and boys, not the weak and frail type like that little girl.

Gabriel was sure that he could break one of her bone just with a bit of pressure of his hand. Dante had that sensation too when he stopped her to run away. She was like a little rabbit trapped in the lion's mouth. Dante spotted his father sitting on the waiting area.

Dante: Dad, we brought your package.

Salvatore: (He stood up.) Is she Fumiko's daughter? Why is she sleeping? Is she sick? Does she faint because of the news?

Gabriel laid down the little girl on the sofa and Salvatore approached.

Gabriel: Yes, she is her daughter. Dante had to control her, she was agitated, and scared. She tried to leave, normal reaction when two strangers barge into your house in the middle of the night.

Salvatore: Thanks for taking her here.

Dante: Now that this job is done, you can maybe tell us a bit more about that woman. Is she your mistress? I didn't know that you had a collection of girls in addition to your official partner.

Salvatore: Shut up, it's nothing like that! What do you take your father for? Show some respect!

Gabriel: That woman is not that much older than me, how do you know her? You seem worried about her condition...

Salvatore: (He sighed.) We met around 12 years ago, few months after your mother passed away. (He felt his sons' tension.) I am not proud of it, but we had a relationship during few weeks.

Dante: You slept with a girl barely older that your son, few months after loosing your wife, the mother of your children, great!

Gabriel didn't comment on his father's words. He was putting the pieces together. 12 years ago. He looked at the little girl asleep. She was small and must be around 10 years old. No traces of a husband, her eyes color so particular for her origin... Could that kid be her father's child? He stared at his father few seconds. Was he aware of it or did he hide that from them all those years? No chance that his father knew he has a child somewhere and let her live like that, without financial support. 

Salvatore: I understand that you don't approve, and I told you, I am not proud of my behavior, but I was sad and needed a futile recomfort at the time.

Gabriel: She was 21. (His tone was cold.)

Salvatore: I have no excuses.

Gabriel: It was almost 12 years ago, what happened after? Why were you with her tonight?

Salvatore: We stopped seeing each other, and she disappeared. I saw her for the first time tonight in years at that bar, she works here. That's all I know for now. I asked information to our guys.

Gabriel had his answer, his father didn't suspect anything, and Dante hadn't paid attention to that little girl. It was maybe better at the view of his reaction regarding their father's relationship with that Fumiko. They stayed silent for a moment after that beginning of explanation, until a doctor showed up. 

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