Chapter 12 - Where is Suki???

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Suki stared through the windows for long minutes, secretly hoping that Gianni didn't abandon her here. She didn't have her phone, nor money and she didn't even know where she was. She didn't know how many times she slept but she was hungry, so dinner time probably had passed already. She hesitated to leave the office. She was scared to roam around in a strange place by night.


At home, Gianni just arrived. He nodded toward his younger brothers who were playing with their video games in the living room and went straight to his bedroom. He was talking on the phone with one of his fighters about the opening fight of his new arena. He wanted to take a good shower, so he quickly cut the call.

Downstairs, Chef Aldo had put all the food he prepared for dinner in the dining room. Maria had left earlier today after doing extra working hours during Salvatore absence, so she couldn't alert anyone about Suki not being at home. Aldo was too busy to notice that the little girl hadn't came to greet him as every time.

Davide and Vito had stopped playing and they were already digging into the food. Aldo put extra care for the dinner tonight because of Salvatore's return. Enzo joined his brothers and soon after, Salvatore and his two elder sons entered the house.

Salvatore: Boys, we're back.

Davide: Hi, we just started dinner; we didn't think that you would arrive so soon.

Dante: Hum... food comes first, I guess... I need to take a shower, don't eat my part!

Salvatore: Where is Suki? She is not having dinner with you?

Davide: I don't know, and I don't really care...

Gabriel: Enzo?

Enzo: She is maybe resting in her bedroom; I was busy on something and didn't check.

Salvatore: Dante please, stop by her room and ask her to join us for dinner, thank you. (Dante nodded and went upstairs.)

Dante knocked at the little girl's bedroom door, but he didn't receive any answer. He opened it but it was dark inside with no traces of Suki. He went downstairs and stopped by the library. She was maybe playing piano or reading a book. He never saw her going anywhere else in the house since she came to live here. But the room was also empty. Did she run away from the house? Impossible with the guards outside and his brother picked her up from school, so she couldn't have done the same trick than last time.

Dante: She is not upstairs, nor at the library.

Salvatore: What do you mean she is not here?

Dante: You daughter disappears! Where is Gianni?

Vito: She ran away once again... Good for us!

Salvatore: Vito shut the fu** up! Where is Gianni? Did you see Suki after she came back from school?

Gianni: What's going on? (He made his entry, not suspecting anything.)

Gabriel: Gianni, where is Suki? What did you do with her?

Gianni: She is not in her room, as usual?

Salvatore: You went to pick her up after school, right?

Gianni: Yes, I went to her school, then I received a call and I had to... (He paused, remembering the events of the afternoon.)...

A missing piece... The other half - A Mafia Brothers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now