Chapter 18 - Paparazzi...

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Suki followed Enzo upstairs without saying anything. She was curious about that video and about why her brothers and her father were so pissed off. When she began to become closer with some members of her family, the little girl looked online to see if there was information about them and she saw a lot of articles about her father. There was also some about her eldest brothers but not that much about the three youngest.

Enzo: Try to rest before diner.

Suki: Enzo...

Enzo: I have work to do, so rest... we can talk later.

Enzo's tone was a bit colder than he wanted but it was only because he was worried and annoyed by that video. When her brother closed the door, Suki took her phone from her bag and searched on Internet her name. Her hands started to tremble when the video began.

The man commenting the video was talking about Suki's mother, showing photos of Fumiko and her. He knew most of the things that happened the last few weeks in her life. Then, other photos of the little girl with her brothers and her father in front of the school were showed. The video was almost over with a clip of today's outgoing with Gabriel when the door opened, and someone snatched the phone of her hand.

Enzo: I told you to rest! What the fu** are you doing, looking at that piece of shit! (The little girl startled and stared at her brother with teary eyes.) Ah... Fu**!! Don't... don't cry... Daddd!!!!

Enzo yelled to call his father upstairs and Suki stepped back. The young man didn't know how to deal with his little sister at this moment. The head of the family quickly joined them. Gabriel came too, sure that his brother called because of Suki. And when Salvatore entered his daughter's room and saw the phone on Enzo's hand, he understood.

Salvatore: Suki...

Suki: Otô-san... why that man is talking about Mom...

Salvatore: (He kneeled in front of her.) I am sorry, that journalist was too curious about the only daughter of the Smith family, and we couldn't find out before he published that... video. But Dad will do the necessary to delete it... so, please, don't be sad and don't cry.

Suki: (She wiped her eyes.) Sorry...

Salvatore: You don't have to be sorry for showing your feelings...

Gabriel: Suki, try to forget that video, we will take care of everything, no one will bother you. Instead, think about the good day we had together, when you were looking for all those delicacies for your mother's birthday. (He patted her head and she nodded.) You are a strong little girl.

Salvatore: Refresh yourself first and then, you can join us downstairs. Is it finefor you?

Suki nodded once again, and the three men left her bedroom. She quickly went to shower and under the water, she cried a little.

Downstairs, the boys were still in the living room, waiting for their father's instructions. Salvatore told the youngest to be more careful, for the next few days and asked Dante to check which of their men were in duty when those photos were taken.

Then, he left to his office to call his lawyer. He needed that video to be taken down and to sue the publisher. Gabriel worked with Dante and Enzo in the meeting room to review the schedules of their men since Suki came to live with them.

When the little girl came downstairs, there was only Gianni, Davide and Vito present. She hesitated to go back to her room, not ready to face critics or mean words from them.

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