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"We need to find someone with an appraisal skill. I mean, it's pretty obvious you don't have one." Kirito points points out as they walk through the town. "No we don't and neither do you." Reina fires back. "Oh and by the way, try not to be so rude when you're speaking to me. Reina might allow it but I don't." Asuna adds putting a hand on her hip. "Oh, okay. Should I call you miss next time?" Kirito asks politely but Asuna got more annoyed. "Second in command." He adds but she didn't budge. "Lightning Flash?" She glared at him for a second, "Oh never mind. Call me Asuna." She gives in. "Okay sure." Kirito agreed. "Back to the appraisal skill though. Do you know anyone who has it?" Kirito asks. "Actually yeah, I know two but one's kinda busy at the moment we'll have to go to the other one, he's on floor 50." Reina chimes in after being silent for a while.

Floor 50: Algade

They teleport to floor 50 and head in the direction of Agil's shop. When they got to the entrance a player leaves with a spear and Agil thanks him for coming. "Looks like you're still running all those suckers down with those deals of yours." Kirito greets heading inside the shop leaving Reina and Asuna behind. "No way, Kirito. Buy cheap and sell cheap. That's my motto. I'm a business man, you know that." Agil greets back. "That selling cheap part's a lie." Kirito adds fist pumping him. "Don't go slandering my good name brother." Agil jokes. "Agil hey!" Reina greets the man walking inside with Asuna shocking him. Agil looks at the two and grabs Kirito pulling him over the counter whispering to him even though the girls could hear him. Reina scratches her head awkwardly and Asuna giggles annoyed. 

Once he calmed down they sat at a table and explained the situation to him. "His HP dropped to zero in a safe zone?" Agil asks just as confused as they are. "You sure it wasn't a duel?" He suggests. "That's the thing, no one had a winner icon." Reina explains crossing her arms over her chest. "We can also rule out the murder being a sleep PK. He was walking with Yolko before it happened." Asuna adds.  "Besides his death was to elaborate to be some random duel. The PKer who did this had it planned out. We're pretty sure of that, and then there's this." Kirito explains referring to the spear which lay on the table. Agil picked up the spear and began inspecting it whiles the trio waited in silence. "A player made this." He shares causing them to perk up. "Really?" Kirito asks. "Who was it?" Asuna asks as well. "Are you able to tell?" Reina asks.

 "Grimlock. Never heard that name before. It's not on of the top blacksmiths that's for damn sure. As far as I can tell there's nothing special about this." Agil shares. "Yeah, but it's something to go on, right?" Asuna asks and Reina and Kirito nod in agreement. "Does it have an item name?" Reina asks. "You'll love it Guilty Thorn. There's a name for you. Kinda fits though, don't you think?" Agil asks handing the spear back to Kirito. "Seriously, Guilty Thorn?" Kirito questions looking over the spear. "Here's goes." He says pointing the spear at his hand getting ready to stab himself. "Kirito!" Reina shouts leaning over the table to grab Kirito's hand which held the spear, and using her other hand to prop herself up.

 "What's the matter?" Kirito asks turning to her. "What do you mean what's the matter, are you out of your mind?" Asuna chimes in. "That thing already has one body to it's name." Reina tells him. "I know, but we need to find out what this thing's capable of, don't we?" Kirito tries to reason. "Quit being reckless. Here, hold onto this will you Agil?" Reina asks taking the spear from Kirito and handing it to the older man.  "Uh ok." He replies taking the spear. Reina turns to Kirito with her arm crossed over her chest glaring at him. "Stupid." She scoffs.

The Next Day

The trio sat in a restaurant with Yolko in silence. "So uh, Yolko. We uh, we were wondering if you had ever heard the name Grimlock." Asuna asks breaking the silence. Yolko gasps, "Yes, I have. Actually until a few months ago he was in a guild with me and Caynz." She shares in a low voice causing the trio to look at each other. "Listen, we took the spear that impaled Caynz to an appraiser. We had him go over it pretty carefully, and we found out Grimlock made it." Kirito explains and Yolko's eyes went wide her hands flying to her mouth muffling another gasp. "Can you think of any reason why he did it?" Kirito asks once more. "Yes, I can. I should've told you everything yesterday. It's just, I couldn't. It's something I've been trying very hard to forget, but now I have no choice." She replies.

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