Chapter One: I hate today

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Chapter One: I hate today

Oh, Shit! Not her! I thought as I saw Principal Leonna Whiskey fast walking towards my way.

I looked from left to right to right to left. I felt trapped already. This wasn't supposed to be the ending of this craziness. My mom and dad would definitely kill me.

Okay, Riley. Think fast, I said inside my head.

"Riley Flynn!" shouted Principal Leonna.

There was no other way but to run outside. Then I'd sneak inside the cafeteria's kitchen, back to the north wing and run as fast as I could to get to English lit on time.

"Riley Flynn, don't you dare!" she shouted again.

I smiled to her before saying, "Already did, Principal Leonna." I ran, adding, "See you!" I was laughing my ass off. Vandalizing the Principal's Office's wall was fun to do, but not when you were caught red-handed. Oh well. Even though mom and dad would find about it, they would just tell me this and that and they would be off to their businesses again. That's how it had been with us.

I threw my backpack behind me as I kept my pace. Looking at my wrist watch, I saw that it was already 9:58 am. I just hoped I could come on time. Mrs. Crimson's the nastiest teacher ever and I didn't want to come across her.

I got inside the cafeteria's back door, sneaking my way in without getting noticed by the cooks. I hid behind a food cart when good-old Ben faced my direction. He's the head cook here and he's really nice and cooks nice food. I turned to the right of the countertop before finally getting out of the kitchen. Unfortunately for me, I bumped into someone, making me fall off the ground.

"Ow, it hurts," I hissed, rubbing my butt as I stood up.

A glaring Martha stood before me with her hands on her hips. I hated this woman. "Riley Flynn, it's you again."

I smiled sweetly. "Oh, you know what they say, I'm good at it," I said then ran out of the cafeteria, completely cursing under my breath as I heard the second bell ring, signalling for the start of next class. Oh, this was bad. North wing was on the other side. Why the cafeteria had to be on the south wing?

This time, I ran ten times more. I was so lucky to wear my worn out converse right now. It was definitely helping me out. If I had worn those heeled shoes that mom bought me for my birthday, I knew I wouldn't last an hour with those, and I'd be walking around school ground bare feet.

"I'm sorry, I'm late," I said as I pushed open the door.

There, standing in the front, with her hair tied up in a bun, her glasses resting on the nook of her nose, her left brow (as always) rising in inquiry was Mrs. Crimson in all her navy colored dress. She stared at me like I was some kind of unknown delicacy found on the streets of japan. I slowly moved towards my chair and prevented myself from tearing my eyes out of her. She was noted for making a student's life miserable, I heard those. But it was almost the end of the school year and she hadn't done anything to me... yet. I didn't want to wait for that moment to happen though, that's why I always tried to make sure I wouldn't be late to her class.

"Care to explain why you're late, Ms. Flynn?" she asked.

Oh no. What should I tell her? That I'd been vandalizing the principal's office while waiting for her class? Uh, no way? She was more terrifying than principal Leonna and my parents combined so no way I would tell her that.

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