Chapter Ten: This calls for a celebration

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Chapter Ten: This calls for a celebration

At four am, I rose up and went out as quietly as possible. Everyone would soon wake up for the morning exercise but I wasn't going to join, as usual. I got a flashlight because it was still dark out. I spotted the paints where I had seen it before. Instead of getting the two cans, I only got one and a brush I snuck in the cabin.

"Where are you going?"

I froze on my spot as I heard a voice behind me. It was all clear when I got out. It seemed like someone was stalking behind me.

I spun around and saw Declan with a smirk on his face. He had his arms crossed over his chest.

"What the hell?" I demanded.

"I saw you and--"

"You're stalking me," I pointed out.

He raised his hands in defense. "Whoa. I am not stalking you," he said.

"You are. What are you doing outside at this time?" I asked.

"What are you doing outside too, huh, Riley Flynn? Going to do something naughty?" he asked, snickering.

"You..." I lurched forward but stopped myself midway. "Leave me alone," I said.

He shook his head. Left, right, left, right. The current smirk on his face was more irritating. Who was this person in front of me now? He seemed different from the person I met.

"Whatever." I turned my back on him and continued my way to the trail.

Vandalizing was my special thing. That was where I was good at, and it's a form of art too. No one could argue with a good art. I didn't just vandalize things or place, I put art into them to make it look great.

I could hear Declan following nonetheless, ignoring what I said to him. He was stubborn. Like how he wanted to date me. I declined to all of those invitations. Just like what Alberta told me, some had indeed come to me and asked me out or even just have a short coffee. I didn't say yes to anyone because I didn't want comparisons or any argument as to why I entertained him but not him. Like that. It was hard enough to explain myself on why I was doing pranks and it would be harder to explain why I didn't want to date anyone.

I stopped just before the end of the trail, facing Declan.

"Since you're here and want to stick around, help me out. I'm going to need someone who will carry the can while I paint," I said. I forced the can of paint towards him. "Let's get started."

He didn't argue with me. He just trailed around. I had thought of starting a conversation but I pushed it in the back of my head. He had to apologize to me first before I would talk to him.

Every stroke of my brush left marks on the tree trunk. The concept for this thing was tag of war. The kids would be painted on the trunk while the rope would be painted along the trail. I had been wondering where I could do this and it was a good thing I found this place.

Declan cleared his throat, making the light wobble for a minute.

"Stand still, Declan," I ordered.

"I just coughed!" he reasoned out.

"I don't care. Make that light stay put and come a little closer," I said, pulling his hand holding the paint.

"You're so demanding. I bet you'll be a pain in the ass girlfriend," he said.

"I am not going to be anyone's girlfriend," I said.

"Hmm. That's what everyone says. Look at those people now, not just called girlfriends but wives already!"

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